
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keepers of Abundance

The participants of this meeting brought the following energies into our sacred circle, the eternal Flame of Peace carried by SD, the Heart of the Earthly Mother held by SJ, the harmony of the spheres surrounding DG, the African compassion channeled by NP, the shamanic transformations brought by TD, the Tree of Life within AD, and the Divine Female carried by EC.  We renewed our belief that two or more gathered together for the highest good can lessen fear, isolation, hardships, and Earth Changes. SO BE IT.

We discussed the past week being Keepers of the First Jurisdiction, Harmony. Each person’s experience contributed to our understanding of this first foundational law, based upon aligning the will to Love.  We agreed to become the Keepers of the Second Jurisdiction, Abundance.  This Universal Law brings about the abundance of choices for all, eliminating “want” or “need.”   We can choose to flow into this natural state of being, built upon the first Jurisdiction of Harmony. 

We then took a conscious journey to the third Golden City Vortex of Wahanee and were greeted by our beloved sister Beverly.  We surrounded the Activation Point of the Vortex, located in the Savannah River in Augusta, GA and focused upon the Violet Flame.  We watched this transforming flame enter into the River and then burst upward and outward, radiating in all directions.  We set the intention that the freedom and justice issuing from the Violet Ray of mercy and forgiveness and from the African teachings of compassion held in this Vortex be carried into the world for all to see and feel.

We felt a need to respond to the extreme discomfort emanating from the Middle East, so we then traveled to the Golden City Vortex of Mesotomp at the upper most tip of Iraq, including a small part of Iran and Turkey.  Feeling many unsettling energies, we called upon Archangels Michael and Ariel to bring down a tunnel of Light for clearing and cleansing.  We then focused upon the Violet Flame and set the intention for Peace and for their focus upon Happiness and the Yellow Ray.  The hopefulness of the children was felt there. 

We then traveled to the Vortex of Shehez on the Iran and Afghanistan border.  Here, we experienced a great darkness and had difficulty making connections.  Some of us felt this as a statement of resistance there.  We called for the tunnel of Light and held the Violet flame over the area.  We were able to remove some debris and soften blockages and we held a light upon the Peace, Serenity, and Calm, designed to be the fulfillment of that Vortex.   Like Malton, Shehez works with the Ruby and Gold Rays.   

Back in Malton, we required some intense drumming and toning of healing sounds to return to balance, followed by taking a brief, yet renewing, Walk through the Stars of our five Golden City Vortices.  OM EANDRA.

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