
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ascension Alignment

Eight-Sided Cell of Perfection Energy Map
Adapted from Points of Perception by Lori Adaile Toye



Meditation for Perfection

This Meditation assists the Ascension Alignment by activating the Eight-Sided Cell of Perfection. Mother Mary explains that she has placed this Eight-Sided Cell of Perfection within our hearts, assuring that we will always carry our perfection within. She explains that we are each conceived as an Immaculate Concept. This purity is the truth of our Being; we have simply turned away from our own perfection and the Light of God that Never Fails. Mary tells us that we are held close within her heart, and she can only see us as perfect. [Look for this discourse from Mother Mary in the soon-to-be-released Fields of Light by Lori Adaile Toye, the third book in the upcoming I AM America Trilogy.]

Life force flows through this Perfect Cell in the sequence of the numbering. Following these numbers, you will find a figure-eight configuration if you arch up over two going from three to four. This meditation is best done facing South, so that you will find the Divine Heaven before you and the Cause and Effect behind you, much like the fanning of peacock feathers.

Each Palace within the Perfect Cell holds a Color Ray and a Purpose. We begin in the Temple of Being, the FIRST Palace, our Higher Self, where we flow from the I AM Presence. Here, our Higher Self holds the space for our embodiment and is our Temple of connection to I AM THAT I AM. This first meditation is to find the stillness and silence within, where this core of perfection sustains. This Palace is exceedingly rich in all Colors and deep tidings of the ONE. Feel the same Temple of Being within the heart of the Mother Earth and the joy of her inner connection to All That Is.

From this exquisite Palace, we step South into the Divine Heaven with our Divine Purpose and Self-expression, the SECOND Palace. We have been created for a purpose, as well as for the joy of existence and the expansion into the realms of experience. To meditate upon our Divine Purpose is to feel the dignity of  the  niche we are designed to fill; even if the specifics of this purpose are not immediately known, just to know that it is there, to feel that there is importance and joy within this purpose, will invite this information to become evident. The Ruby-Gold Color Ray holds our devotion and power of action, with the necessary protection and alignment to stay on course. The Divine Purpose of our Mother Planet can also be felt, with her sentience, focus, and determination, aligning not only with the Divine Will but also with the human will.

Feeling our strength of purpose and the strength of purpose of Babajeran (the Earth Mother), we then move East into the THIRD Palace, that of Sharing, Marriage, and Mate. This is where we can know or sense our Twin Flame or Divine Complement. Being in duality, there is an inner aspect which completes us. The White Ray attends this Palace, and in the purity of this Ray, a profound spiritual Love and total acceptance is felt and carried. Bask in this White Light and know the wholeness of the self. This constant companionship brings forth emotional joy and the sustaining of perfection. Know also that the Earth Mother has a Divine Complement and holds up to seven identities for the Times of Transition (Fields of Light by Lori Adaile Toye).

Flowing around and beneath the Second Palace to the West, we reach the FOURTH Palace, of Family and The World in Cosmic Motion. This fills our sense of belonging in the ONE spiritual family and also within our Star seed family and soul group. To know that they are there creates an opening to feel their presence. This is attended by the Pink Ray of Divine Love. And so, within this Palace, are the rich experiences of the joy of belonging, nurturing, non-judgment, and fruitful desires. We are the family of Babajeran and she also has her larger family within her Cosmic identity, which also gives her support and strength. Meditating upon The World in Cosmic Motion shows “as above, so below.”

From here, we cross over and up to the East, beginning the upper loop of the figure eight, into the FIFTH Palace of Generation of the Forces of Nature, Fruition, and Children. This places us within the continual evolution of life and of generations. Meditating upon The Generation of the Forces of Nature can take us deeply into the generative powers of Nature and a sense of continuity and expansion. This Palace holds the Blue Ray of Divine Truth and the Divine Will. The Blue Ray can also be used for protection. The functions of the rational and intuitive mind can be explored in this Palace.
The Earth Mother is the expression of the Forces of Nature and we can sense her balancing and nurturing generative aspects.

Moving up is the SIXTH Palace of Spiritual Teachers and Guides, attended by the Violet Ray. This Ray blends the Pink Ray of Divine Love with the Blue Ray of Divine Truth, forming the transmuting Ray of Mercy and Forgiveness. This Ray assures that love and truth will be sustained. This Violet Ray is the dispensation for this Time of Change, bringing the dissolution of Karma and transmuting of all impediments to our rightful perfection. To assist this process of evolving, we have guides and spiritual teachers. To stay on a spiritual path assures the coming Golden Age. Taking responsibility for all our creations gives us the power to transmute through self-forgiveness and the forgiving of all. Babajeran has constantly forgiven us and also works with others who assist her.

Moving directly to the North, the SEVENTH  Palace, brings forth Abundance, Money, and Growth.  This Palace holds the Green Ray of healing and abundance. Within Cause and Effect, this Palace relates to our desire for growth, ability to focus upon what we want, and trusting, so that we can receive joyfully. Visualizing the Green Ray coming up from the ground and through the body, see it circulating all through the body and its organs, much like the circulatory system. Each time this is done, it further promotes healing. The Earth Mother creates with exquisite beauty all that we see in Nature. Feel her creative joy.

To the East then, is the EIGHTH Palace, ‘The World’ Occupations. A world occupation is one of service, fitting into the exchange of energy described as, for every intake is an outtake. This Palace is attended by the Aquamarine-Gold Ray, which promotes the freedom, expression, and awareness of the I AM Presence within. Our Eighth energy body is an alignment body, integrating the previous seven bodies (corresponding to our Chakras) into a body of service. Babajeran has a world and cosmic occupation which can be sensed, supported, and well appreciated!  

Completing the upper, or Northern loop, of the figure eight in the West, is the NINTH Palace, the Star of Knowledge and Choice. This Palace is attended by the Yellow Ray of Divine Wisdom, utilizing the literal and expressive intuition, or inner knowing. This Star of Knowledge holds the awareness that choice is the basis of all experience and is the constant reminder of the power of one’s focus. We are at this crucial choice of accepting our perfection and ushering in a Golden Age within the Fourth Dimension, a dimension which sustains and maintains. This expansion will bring harmony and a Oneness that will open us to many new discoveries. The Earth Mother weeps with joy, not only with this alignment, but through the Oneness we feel with her.

This completes the upper loop of the figure-eight, aligning the Cause and Effect of the North, the masculine-informing aspect, with the Divine Heaven of the South, the feminine-nurturing aspect. Mother Mary says this Cell of Perfection is held within a cradle in the heart. Within this cradle is our perfect child self, longing to emerge into the safe and exciting playground of Divine Love and Truth. Each time we return to the Temple of Being to begin this cycle again, it lifts us in a spiral. As there is a constant spin within our chakras, both receiving and releasing, so too does this Cell expand and contract in a constant motion, holding our evolving helixes of DNA in our RNA.

The Ascension Alignment is brought forth as the marriage of the masculine and feminine aspects, birthing Unana (unity consciousness). As we lift through these Palaces of Perfecting, we become the expression of the Dove of Peace and Babajeran becomes the Freedom Star, a planet of love in action. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Points of Perception

Points of Perception
the first book of the Golden City Series 
by Lori Adaile Toye

The focus of this book is upon the personal and global changes that are causing a vibrational shift and a timely individual and collective spiritual awakening. The Golden Cities, 51 surrounding the planet, provide not only havens of safety but also hold transforming energies and an evolving consciousness of Oneness. Honoring the earth as a living being and understanding the nature and importance of cycles, can bring us to a level of acceptance and cooperation that will usher in a new beginning of peace and prosperity. 

Aligning with the teachings of the Ascended Masters enables change to become an opportunity for great strides in growth and healing. This Time of Awakening brings the awareness of the importance of our choices and our conscious intention to align with the best and highest good in all situations. The Law of Forgiveness and the use of the Violet Flame have such transformative powers that disharmonies vanish and thought and action go toward the ONE. The necessity for dietary changes is discussed to facilitate the shift in frequency, minimize the physiological impact of toxins and eliminate the use of the substances of the flesh which hold the vibration of fear. 

We are being shifted dimensionally and our DNA and molecular structure is changing in preparation for the coming changes. We will arch through the dual forces of light and dark to a field of neutrality and grace as the Fourth Dimension.  We need to make the change first within our hearts by realizing our Oneness with the planet and one another.
The Veil is thinning between dimensions and as we enter into these new energies, there will be less tedious tending of our bodies and more of an expanded awareness of the celebration of life.  Thought is the seed of all creation and the Law of Alchemy is based upon the Law of Rhythm, that all things change. 

A world which did not need change would have a balanced economy, sharing openly through the exchange of natural goods, without degradation and welfare, an agrarian society with little impact upon the environment, renewable energy sources, stable family structures, unity within the hearts preventing crime and deviant behaviors, open schools and libraries, an environment without pollution, organic food for everyone, and being able to live and breathe the highest good for all.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Study Group Update

The Earth Change Study Group of the Golden City of Malton .is celebrating one year of working together.   We call ourselves the Seven Sisters and meet regularly in the center/Star of the Vortex in Mattoon, Illinois..  We honor the Earth and learn from the teachings of the Ascended Masters, who are assisting us during this Time of Change.  We do Ceremony with Sound, Color Rays, and the Four Directional Doorways of the Vortex.  We also Walk the Stars, which is consciously traveling to the center/Star of other Golden City Vortices to receive teachings and healing or give assistance..

We have begun to study Adjutant Points, which are areas where several ley-lines intersect within a Golden City Vortex.  We have found that these areas enhance higher dimensional awareness and profoundly promote healing.  In addition, we focus upon three different Map Scenarios for the 51 Golden City Vortices across the Planet.  From the work with the I AM America Map of 17 Vortices, we learn how to align with the I AM Presence.  Then we work with the 17 Golden City Vortices of Asia and Australia, known as the Greening Map, we learn about Ecological Alchemy for the healing of the Earth and the Feminine Aspect.  And then, the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa focuses upon the inner marriage of the male and female aspects, birthing Unana, a new beginning of unity consciousness. 

Jesus Sananda says ONENESS is our only hope and our Master Teacher Kuthumi (known to us as St. Francis of Assisi), focuses upon healing the Earth, Elements, Animals, Plants, and Minerals.  We focus upon both our unity consciousness and ceremonies of alignment to assist our Beloved Earth. Our meetings end with toning Sounds for Personal and Global Healing and blending our tones until we reach a crescendo of ONE HEART!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why Earth Changes?

A world which did not need Earth Changes would be in harmony with the ONE Mind and Universal Laws, having an economy based upon fair trade and open sharing, no want or need, an agrarian society which would support the environment, organic food, alternative energies, solid family structures, where everyone would grow up with love and cooperation, life without degradation, charity instead of welfare, voluntary taxation for enhancing the arts and life, no crime, prisons, or special interests.  There would be an open society with all participating freely and joyfully.

Instead, the Earth is taking corrective measures to regain her balance.  Reports occur daily of earthquakes, high winds, fires, and rising water.  Just as we strive to rebalance ourselves within adverse conditions, so does the Earth.  She is responding to the pollution of her air and rivers, her forests being torn down, her resources overwhelmed by an exploding population, being torn apart by weaponry, and feeling sustainable life declining in many areas because of toxins and greed.  Can we even begin to imagine the pain to a wondrous, sentient Planet from an underground nuclear explosion?  

Would it be that surprising if one day the Earth brought her waters across warring countries like a blanket to calm aggressions?  Would she have a right to drown nuclear power plants, tear apart oil rigs, shake loose the weight of asphalt, and blow down high tension wires?  Just as with our own bodies, water washes, the wind of our breath sweeps away, the fire of a fever burns up, and retching expels, her way of cleansing herself would be with her elements and shaking loose what binds her.  Without a clear understanding of the impact of our habits, we could be in danger of being swept away by their results.  How we treat our own personal Earth bodies may be indicative of how we are treating our Planet.  When we sense something is going to happen, there is still time to work on the cause.  Allowing our intuition to function on a large scale is a matter of developing a kinship with the Earth and allowing her direction to become a part of our awareness.  Earth changes are warning us to wake up to our oneness.  

The Ascended Masters have been channeling through Lori Adaile Toye ways to lessen and transmute the patterns which have been bringing so much destruction.  Their maps of changes are strikingly similar to the visions of the Native Americans and many others the world over.  Saint Germain refers to the Earth change prophecies as a way to get our attention, so we will open to the underlying spiritual teachings of how to make changes within ourselves to bring about a world we would all want to inhabit.  We have the power to do this with our choices.  “A change of heart can change the world.”  

The Earth Mother asked for an Intervention because of the extreme depletion of our sustainability.  Fifty-one Golden City Vortices around the world were the response, each, calibrated to lift the Planet and bring forth a Color Ray and a devoted Master Teacher to assist our growth. These Vortices function like our own chakras, spinning clockwise to drawn in energies and counter-clockwise to release and cleanse. They are 270 miles wide and the Stars, or centers, are particularly sensitive to the happenings, attitudes, and projections of those inhabiting them.  If a positive alignment with the Planet occurs within the Star and a path is chosen to bring about the highest good, it can affect an enormous number of people and be in partnership with other awakening Vortices.   

When we reach “critical mass,” a leap of consciousness will open for all.  When we are linked together with a common purpose, we can form a grid of Light to hold a loving planet as she heals and evolves, healing and evolving ourselves at the same time.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Universe of Unity Consciousness
Taken from the New World Atlas, Volume II and Light of Awakening, by Lori Toye

Unana means Brotherhood and is the name of the new galaxy to be birthed.  Freedom Star, as our Earth will be known, will be the first planet to enter into this void and circle around a great sun.  Saint Germain

The work upon the planet has ordered rhythmic service.  Eight other planets are being made ready for this transition into light, but our planet, beloved Babajeran, shall lead.  This forms a nucleus around the new sun and a new universe is born.  This new sun will be sponsored by Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus.  Unana breathes into us the activation of all 8 chakras, aligned with the golden thread axis.  Saying “Unana,” we join in oneship with the love of Babajeran.  Geophysical changes are part of Her birthing, with 51 Golden Cities activating and accelerating our being beyond the fifth dimension to where this new universe and teachers reside.  Choosing Unana, we retreat and rejoin in oneship.  If we choose to go to each of the Golden Cities vortexes, their activation can occur earlier as waves of consciousness acting upon the planet, containing within them a vibrational frequency that, when ready, will lift Babajeran into Unana.  With seven people in each, the centers of those flowers spread as the petal opens, filling with pure Christ energy, ready for Unana.  Each of the Jurisdictions is a wave of the great flame of divinity.  This is a Violet Ray planet.  “God I AM” calls from deep within the cells of our being, resonating with the frequency of freedom.  We are serving that cause of freedom.  Freedom is where we choose our true heart’s desire.  We are being called to know in our hearts: We are one, we are free, God I AM.   “I AM” grasps the moment.

When you remain true and solid with that inner voice, the mighty I AM streams forth to bring divine laws of manifestation.  Remaining true to that inner source never fails.  Climb that mountain of the inner self and pierce the clouds into the all seeing eye.  The courage to heal is the courage to live. Away with death and mighty world come alive! In the breath of I AM I command this!  All energy brought to you is also energy that will free you from your own bondage.  Freedom represents balanced energy from the inner to the outer:  as above, so below.  Freedom constantly expands energy and is held with the law of the best and highest good.  The healer accepts all conditions as harmony and perceives every situation like a bird singing in the garden or the trickling of water. 

El Morya:  When one begins to understand the greater plan Divine, they see the interconnection between all circumstances, and between all situations.  This is Unana. . . spend time in simplicity to allow the unessential to drop away. . . spend your time in meditation upon the ONE. . . the connection of you to the All. . .one must integrate from inside and feel a unity within.  

Saint Germain:  There will be a telepathic Oneness, a union between all of humanity.. .Unity Consciousness.  The old ideas, the old beliefs, must first be shattered. This is the idea of liberation and freedom so that one is led to become ONE with the forces of the Universe, leading naturally to Unana. The Divine Source is the center of Unana.  It is the seeking of this unity, the seeking of this harmony which brings us together. 

Map of Exchanges

Europe, Middle East, Africa, and New Lemuria
Taken from the Freedom Star, New World Atlas, Volume III and Light of Awakening, by Lori Toye

The intervention call by the Earth, Beloved Babajeran, resulted in 51 Golden City Vortices around the globe.  Three Maps of 17 Golden Cities each are encoded with transition sequences to lift the Planet: The I Am America Map of the Americas, The Greening Map of China, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India, and the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa.  The Map of Exchanges is sponsored by Lady Nada, El Morya, and Kuthumi.

The progression of the Map of Exchanges of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East brings about the Self-realization of the HU-man and anchors heaven on Earth.  The predominant Ray Force is Yellow of wisdom and illumination, with the Golden Ray, Ruby-Gold Ray, and Aquamarine-Gold Ray revealing hidden powers within the Yellow Ray. The prophesied changes to these lands are outlined in the New World Atlas, Volume III and the Master Teachers and their Color Rays and Golden City purpose are listed in the Freedom Star by Lori Toye (available at Iamamerica.com, click on Books).

The metaphor for the changes is “as above, so below,” as the heart is the center of exchange, determining overall health.  Opening the heart allows the blessings of creation to pour in, giving and receiving reciprocally.  Opening up is giving first and then receiving.  The heart which exchanges, openly and willingly, opens a doorway for the whole world to receive.  The Earth Changes help restore clear vision, release old ways and habits, and recognize equality for all life.  Freedom and happiness is created through our choices as an infinite union with all life.

This sequence begins with the Blue Ray of Archangel Michael and inner vision and ends with the Golden Ray of Archangel Chrystiel as eternal protection.  The Blue Ray is heightened by the service of the Elohim Hercules with the power of Truth.  Lada Nada holds the Yellow Ray of divine justice for humanity and mighty Victory of this same ray, expresses glory and achievement.   Spain holds the Gold Ray of Godfre. The Green Ray is held by the Elohim Vista for divine focus and the White Ray by Lady Master Sea Ray and Claire, the Elohim of Purity.  The Middle East holds happiness in the Yellow Ray of Mohammed and the Ruby and Gold Ray of Tranquility, the Elohim of Peace.  Kuthumi, the Lord of Nature and Amaryllis, Goddess of Spring, Lotus, Archeia Donna Grace, and Lanto and Laura lift Africa into the infinite garden.    The rising of New Lemuria brings Master Kona and the Elohim, Pacific, and the Aquamarine and Gold Ray, restoring the earth as our true home and paradise, making our fall from grace short lived.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Greening Map

 Asia, India, and Australia. 
Taken from the Freedom Star, New World Atlas, Volume II and Light of Awakening
by Lori Adaile Toye

 The intervention call by the Earth, Beloved Babajeran, resulted in 51 Golden City Vortices around the globe.  Three Maps of 17 Golden Cities each are encoded with transition sequences to lift the Planet: The I Am America Map of the Americas, The Greening Map of China, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India, and the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa.  

The Greening Map is under the loving direction and care of Kuan Yin.  The prophesied changes to these lands are outlined in the New World Atlas, Volume II and the Master Teachers and their Color Rays and Golden City purpose are listed in the Freedom Star by Lori Toye (available at Iamamerica.com, click on Books).

The sequence of the Greening Map of Asia and Australia is designed to restore the Earth Mother, healing the feminine personally and transpersonally and awakening Ecological Alchemy.  The predominant Ray Forces of White and Pink, Purity and Love, balance oppressive male energies which have been prevailing and awaken the fourth and fifth dimensions of the Divine Heart of Humanity. 

The changing heart of the lands of Asia and India, brings people to rebirth and resurrects universal thought, leading the largest mass of people into a life which grows from the heart.  These lands are to be filled with life’s vigor and great presence.  When geophysical changes are seen as messages to use wisdom instead of suffering and wars, society gains the gifts of forgiveness, mercy, and compassion.  The Greening Map is a message for all, a call to unity and oneness for all life and to preserve life in all its forms, awakening the laws of ecological alchemy.  The land will respond immediately, forming abundant agricultural plains where there once was wasteland.  So many new varieties of flowers will bloom in India that the surrounding seas will carry their fragrance.

The Greening Lands bring universal rhythm and the harmony of Co-Creation.  Five Archangels sponsor Golden Cities indicating a great focus of heavenly service in these lands:  Archangels Chamuel of the Pink Ray, Uriel of the Ruby Ray, Jophiel of the Yellow Ray, Raphael of the Green Ray, and Gabriel of the White Ray.  Many of the great avatars and teachers of humanity reappear to serve this coming age of grace, Lord Himalaya, Lord Meru, Lord Guatama, and the Great Divine Mother.  Diana, the Elohim of Freedom with Arcturus, Goddess Minerva with the Elohim of Wisdom, Cassiopeia, Lady Visceria, and Faith, Hope, and Charity and Reya of the White Ray.  Also in service is the ever present and ever changing Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.

New lands appear above Australia, to be known as the Lands of Oneness.  The sequence ends with people merging into collective oneness with life and the world.  Australia is served by the Elohim of Divine Love, Orion and Angelica, the Elohim of Purity, Astrea, and Lady Master Desiree of the Blue Ray. 
Hear the prodding of the Flame of Freedom within the heart, holding love, wisdom, power, and desire.  This leaps to the monad and in that gentle merging, ascension occurs.  It is time to move into the heart.  Let go of the wounds and stand up!  Only in freedom do we live and breathe and have our true nature and being.  Soon choices will not be required, as the heart functions with the law of love and understands the beauty of the wisdom ray.  Breathing the divine plan is like an open sail, moving us effortlessly.  Blaze the freedom flame of transformation, serving your divinity.

Kuan Yin:  “Remember, as you play dear children, who your playmates are.  They are an extension of you and as an extension of you, they are you.  Every being, individual, flower, and animal are of you and you are of it . . . work to extend your consciousness into all that is round you.  Be it simply called a flower, let your consciousness become it and it becomes you.”    We are a race of friendship, one with the land of Babajeran and are asked to sit upon her lap and allow the bounty of the universe to provide.  This restoration will heal all wounds of the soul and bring a beautiful garden.  Water the roots of your tree lavishly and open your root to one another so your fruit is one fruit.  As one life, each step walks with life in the compassion of the law of one.  The purpose of this work is to develop deeper love between human beings.  The choice is to enter into another cycle of planetary change or enter into the Golden Age of cooperation and participation within universal principles.  We are trusted to perform our practiced roles.   

Have compassion for those who do not understand.  Ask that all barriers in their life be removed.  Regenerate, wipe tears, bring forgiveness eternal in this time of change.  Become as a child again.  Grow gardens and hang laundry in the winds in this violet age of grace.  Decree each day: “Mighty Violet Ray flow through, in and around me.  All who come in contact with me, may they be blessed with the electromagnetic presence of the mighty Violet Ray.”  Command and demand this Violet Ray through and around your being.  Command and demand this Violet Ray throughout the planet.  This builds an electromagnetic bridge for all to use, to travel across the vibrational frequency of love.      

When you say “I AM,” you command substance into being.  Develop gratitude and thankfulness for the mighty I AM presence for supplying all that you have needed for this day. Perceive that prosperity is around us always.   Blaze the Violet Flame through any thought that has brought discord or disharmony to your plan of action.  If there are situations and personalities that are not serving this work, we ask that you simply stay away.  Bless them, love them, but keep your vibration in harmony with your work.  If attracting less than want, it is because you are less than inside, so that the qualities of the heart have not yet manifested.  Give honor to the great inner flame, your true reality.  The Law of Group, two or more. . .and from two, the third is beloved Babajeran.  The path of adeptship asks constantly for you to restore, rejuvenate, and enter into the path of cosmic service, becoming the aggregate body of light, your immortal being.  Let the great dove of peace land in your heart.  You have not strayed but simply not opened your eyes. 

The infinite golden flame is felt in the surrender of the soul, birthing the innocent being and understanding that life is one continuous vibratory action.  The qualities of the golden, eighth ray are sustainment, protection, longevity, blending, and harmonizing of creation.   One life, one source that knows no difference of the points contained within its plane of existence, but knows the ultra consciousness shared by all those points that exist within the one.  Your body is filled with the consciousness of your divine immortal being, this infinite circle of life, filled with immortal destiny.  All are you.  Duality blends the extensions of the self.  Departure and arrival become an infinite union.  Law of grace infuses the entire being in the infinite circle.  Mary:  “The halo or essence of your being is like a sun rising around you. . .a great reflection of that mighty flame of the infinite eternal self. . .I see each one of you as the light that you truly are. . .find your child within your infinite being and the safety of that harbor then is yours. . .move away from the fear of external and find the joy and grace that awaits you.”

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I AM America Map

The United States, Central and South America, and Canada.
Taken from the Freedom Star, New World Atlas, Volume I and Light of Awakening, by Lori Toye
The intervention call by the Earth, Beloved Babajeran, resulted in 51 Golden City Vortices around the globe.  Three Maps of 17 Golden Cities each are encoded with  transition sequences to lift the Planet: The I Am America Map of the Americas, The Greening Map of China, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India, and the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa. The I AM America Map integrates the I AM Presence to establish the I AM Race (anagram of America).  North, Central, and South America will join as ONE expression to become the nucleus of the New Times.  The principal rays of this Map are the Violet Ray of forgiveness and transmutation, the Pink Ray of Divine Love, and the Green Ray of abundance and healing.  

The prophesied changes to these lands are outlined in the New World Atlas, Volume I and the Master Teachers and their Color Rays and Golden City purpose are listed in the Freedom Star by Lori Toye (available at Iamamerica.com, click on Books).

The United States will be the first to recover from geophysical changes and assist others.  Americans are entrusted with holding freedom for every living and conscious being on the planet Earth.  Freedom of expression, freedom from fear, and the freedom to follow the heart’s desire, all are chosen and applied in service to the world through experience and example.  Love, in service, brings the thought and activity which unites us all, creating cooperation.   Our change of heart will bring a new vision for all of us.  Uprooting change brings empowering choices and new actions of co-existing.  As thoughts clear, the veil is pierced and grace is collectively chosen.  We are guided to the great cities of light energy to restore ourselves and advance our development.

As we are called to a higher purpose, a great transformation occurs, illuminating our planet as the Freedom Star, sending a message throughout the Universe.  The heart of the dove descends into the middle of the United States, enabling it to become the home for many brothers and sisters of creation.   It is said that the Ascended Masters will reside for twenty years in these Golden Cities, teaching and healing:  El Morya of the Blue Ray, Kuthumi of the Ruby and Gold, Saint Germain of the Violet Ray, Sananda, the Green Ray, and Serapis Bey, the White Ray.

South America, the Motherland, and Central America, the Cradleland, once flourishing as the highly developed Atlanteans, and will rise again and sponsor the next wave of incoming souls, the Seventh Manu.  This manu brings their great gifts of forgiveness, grace, and peace.  Some have already entered lives of poverty, abuse, and confusion, and we are called to mother and cradle them.  South America serves as the Great Mother with great nurturing and protection.  Being enfolded in love and care opens the heart to see that every one embodies the Cosmic Birther.  Goddesses Andeo, Braham, and Tehekoa serve here as the Three Sisters. 

The Cradleland, the rising lands of Atlantis, brings a new destiny and births a new reality and dimension of light and sound.  Here, we synergize our efforts by aligning ourselves to the great heart of love.  Master Teachers are Mother Mary, Peter the Everlasting, Paul the Devoted, and Kuan Yin.

Canada is the Land of Creation, blessed with great abundance and enough for all!  Canada is the great crown of the flame for the lands sponsored by Saint Germain.  As the heart of the people soften to accept the glory of universal law, these lands and seas will overflow with abundance and art and music will fill the cities.   When the eagle’s talons release, the dove’s breast emerges, revealing a purity and innocence that will feed the entire Americas.  Canada’s destiny is to open the playful child in life, rejoicing in a playground of co-creation.  This land of natural abundance and minimal labors leaves time and inspiration for artistic expression.  This is a message for the whole planet, that when we find the perfection of our hearts through forgiveness, we become as little children and learn to play.  New races will incarnate here and Canada will be known as the Bridge of Brotherhood.   In service here is Soltec, Portia, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Paul the Venetian, and Hilarion.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Purpose of the Golden Cities

 Information from the Light of Awakening  by Lori Adaile Toye

“According to the Ascended Masters, as more individuals become aware of the spiritual powers inherent in the Golden Cities, the process of spiritual migration will shepherd humanity’s collective entrance into the New Times and onward to the Golden Age.”

The more our focus is placed upon Conscious Immortality, the more the illusion of death and attending fears are shed, as well as outworn patterns and beliefs.  This opens the way to Co-Creation and a new spiritual body is created which will accelerate our energies to navigate through the dimensional shift.  The design of the Golden Cities with their Ray Forces, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, work together with the Grand Teacher of the Earth Being (Babajeran) to deepen our experience of Unity Consciousness (Unana) and usher us into a new Golden Age. 

It is recommended that you visit or live near the outer perimeters of the Golden City Vortex (which has a diameter of about 270 miles) to acclimate to the energies, then migrate toward the center, visiting the four doorways/directions.  Patience may be required to integrate the healing energies of the predominant Ray force of the Golden City (see posting, Fifty-one Golden Cities).  Things may worsen before they improve as energies align with the light bodies.  Flu-like symptoms, intestinal upset, other physical anomalies, and disharmony in relationships may occur as this purification cleanses the astral field of undesired past experiences, thoughts, and feelings. More sleep may be needed initially. 

The Spiritual Migration is best begun in the northern area, known as the Black Door (see posting Doorways), then the East, Blue Door, on to the South, Red Door, then to the West, Yellow Door, concluding in the Star, or center, which has a diameter of 40 miles, but can be felt for 60 miles.  This evolutionary journey introduces the higher frequencies of the Golden City.  Breath and energy work also assist the integration of the Ray Force.  It may be necessary to utilize the energies of more than one Golden City Vortex to identify your Ascension process and your dominant Ray Force (see posting Seven Rays). 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Golden City Doorways

Taken from The New World Atlas, Volume Two and Points of Perception by Lori Toye.

The Doorways of the Golden Cities form a Path of Initiations.

Northern Door.  Known as the Black Door, representing the material world, physical abundance, gratified wishes, how things “appear,” discipline, hard labor, and bountiful harvests.  Good place for agricultural, commercial, and business endeavors. Self-control is achieved through transmutation and forgiveness.  Here, the Laws of Opposites, Attraction and Repulsion synergize as the Law of Rebirth and all service is given to life through the cosmos.  The Law of Attraction asks for complete responsibility, for what is thought is brought forward.  Esoteric planets:  Earth, Saturn, Mercury.

Eastern Door.  Known as the Blue Door, asking for purification and sacrifice to achieve the “Elixir of Life” through alchemy.  Friends, family, helpful acquaintances.  The fusion of one is expressed in the Law of Group. Time spent in this Doorway contemplating can resolve relationship and family problems.  Perfect place for communities, group activities, residential homes, and schools for children.  Here, service is expressed through self.  The Ascended Master Law of Surrender and Non-judgment.  Giving up the idea that we must judge anything, we surrender to Divine perfection.  Healing is when alchemy occurs, leaping from one plane to another, into the perfected experience of Co-Creation.  Esoteric planet:  Moon.

Southern Door.  Referred to as the Red Door, representing the healing of the Nations through enlightened love, non-judgment, and faith. Induces physical, emotional, and spiritual regenerations.  Miracle healings commonplace.  Great place for spas, retreats, clinics, and hospitals.  Service is given to life through humanity with choice, courage, and surrender.  Utilizes the Law of Rhythm, all that happens is in an order and timeliness.  Step by step, a rhythm and momentum is established, becoming the infinite source of energy.  Esoteric planets: Mars, Jupiter.

Western Door.  The Yellow Door, the “Philosophers Stone,” is the path of adeptship and perfection, often preceding entrance to the “Star that you follow.”  Place for universities, schools of spiritual learning, civic activities, and the administrative structure and capitol of the Golden City government.  Here, the Law of Love is expressed and service through others is as sisterhood and brotherhood.  Accepting another completely and absolutely as oneself.  Esoteric planet:  Sun.

Star.  Self-knowledge, self-empowerment, and ascensions.  Coalesces the energies of the four doorways. Encouraging spiritual liberation, meditation, and self-renunciation.  Color White.  The purity and beneficence of the Stars will attract Ascended Masters to appear physically to teach and heal. Healing qualities extend  beyond the forty mile diameter to sixty.  Esoteric planet:  Venus.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Songs: Jurisdictions, Violet Flame, Unana

The Jurisdictions are twelve Universal Laws, brought to us by the
Ascended Masters, to usher us into a Golden Age.  The Laws are
described in the previous posting entitled Universal Laws..

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Violet Flame Review

The Violet Flame
Compilation of information from the New World Atlas and Points of Perception by Lori Toye.

The Violet Flame was brought by the Lords of Venus at the end of Lemuria to clear the earth’s etheric and psychic realms, and the lower physical atmosphere of negative forces and energies.  It balances karma through transmutation, forgiveness, and mercy, opening the spiritual heart and develops unconditional love and compassion.  The Violet Flame induces Alchemy, as the shortest wave length and highest frequency of the spectrum becomes the transition to the next octave of light.  Use the Violet Flame no less than three times a day.

The flame sustains the eternal energy of love, teaching the divine acceptance of the self as it is.  This dispensation is brought by the Planetary Council.  In using this Law of Mercy, Forgiveness, Divine Compassion and Grace, it affects those encountered with its ability to transcend all problems.  The collective energetic effort of the mass with this synergy, will move the Earth into harmonizing the Green Ray and the Violet Ray.  By extending the Violet Flame to Her, we are serving the planet as our Sister.

We called the Earth energies into our form and as they entered, we merged with them and densified into this dimension.  The Pink Ray is the eternal flame of Love, which leaps from one heart to the next as a conductive energy force.  Adding the Blue Ray energy of truth imparts the dispensation of the Violet Flame.  It is the unwillingness to cooperate which brings catastrophes.  Now the offer of Forgiveness streams from the hands of the Mother, one stream pink, the other blue, coming together as the Violet Ray.  Inharmonic patterns are consumed and transmuted by the Violet Flame.  The Violet Flame accelerates the metabolic rate of the system, allowing one to access fourth alignment density. 

The Violet Flame transmutes all who come back to the source, the ONE, perfected cell, I AM.  It is carried in the heart as a lover of truth.  The teachings of the Violet Flame come through the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy Kuan Yin, as the female aspect of Compassion, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Peace.  She was St.Germain’s teacher, who carries forth the masculine aspect of the flame as Purification, Alchemy, and Transmutation.  Through decrees, invocations, or meditating upon the flame, it’s transmuting energies are like the “light of a thousand suns,” as radiant as the first day the Elohim Archturus and Diana drew it forth from the sun at the creation of the earth.   When using the Violet Flame, these two master Teachers hold you in the loving arms of its action and power. 

If it is difficult to forgive, visualize the Violet flame streaming forth from your feet and extending to the top of the head.  This stimulates each of the centers of light upon and within the physical body.  Visualize it through and around those with whom there is disharmony, in business practices, and on bank accounts.  This allows movement toward the ONE, as a bridge to the Universal Mind.  First comes the changes within the Heart, then this is reflected in the societies and communities.  Changes will first occur in each of the Vortices, in the order they have been activated.  Prophecies of Peace are anchored in Gobean.  I AM the Violet Flame, An ember in the heart, I AM the Violet Flame, Peace and grace I impart. . .   I AM a being of Violet Fire!  I AM the purity cooperation desires!
Transmutation occurs first with the purging of the body.  It can be experienced as a physical fire, affecting the systems first, such as the lymphatic, then on to the joints. 
This is known as Vibrational Toning and requires the intake of more water.  Becoming a transmitter of light and vehicle of peace involves the suffering of the body as the soul purges that which is no longer needed.  Kindling the Violet Flame during the Cellular Awakening affects the water balance of the physical body, including circulation and the emotional body.  A time comes of being ONE with the Flame and a bright Golden Light will begin to be activated in the outer layers of the Body. 

When calling upon the Violet Flame, it alone has the ability to transmute and change any situation at any time.  Even the wars currently waging in the Middle East could be changed if the focus were placed on Transmutation and the Violet Flame.  Seeing or encountering violence, invoke the Violet Flame, as it will transmute and change it into a situation of peace.  The choice is simple for infinite, eternal peace!  This powerful universal force disintegrates etheric genetic coding through daily meditation, decrees, and visualizations.  

Invocation at Sunrise and Sunset:  I invoke the Violet Flame to come forth in the name of I AM that I AM.  To the Creative Force of all the realms of all the universes, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, and the End.  To the Great Cosmic Beings and Torch Bearers of all the realms, the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Breath, Sound, and Light who honor this Violet Flame that comes forth from the Pink Ray of Divine Love and the Blue Ray of all Eternal Truths, the Divine Will.   Mighty Violet Flame, stream forth from the Heart of the Central Logos, the Mighty Great Central Sun!  Stream in, through, and around me.

Out-picturing is pouring the energy of consciousness into what is desired – smell it, touch it, see it, hear it!  Step into that experience.  But if you are blocking it or stopping it from happening because of an old creation, it is necessary to withdraw your energy from the old creation.  The Violet Flame dissolves old creations.  Train the consciousness to perceive the desired result.  Aging of the physical body is the aging of your perception in that experience.   Always use the Violet Flame in, through, and around all requests for financial abundance, for the Violet Flame can transmute the cause, the record, and the effect of any problem.  Use it throughout preparation and planning, to make things go smoothly and effortlessly. 

The Violet Fame is spiritual velocity pure and simple.  The flame’s force often produces feelings of peace, tranquility, and inner harmony.  It lifts the low-vibrating energy fields of blame, despair, and fear into Forgiveness and Understanding, paving the path to love.
The Violet Flame is rooted in Alchemic powers and sometimes identified as the higher energy of Saturn and the Blue Ray, a force of justice, love, and wisdom.  The ability of the flame to release temporal concerns is Saturn’s detachment from emotions and lower energies, severing worldly connections and opening a keener consciousness.  This gift from the Lords of Venus comes so we will understand the ONE that is contained within each and every one of us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Universal Laws

Foundational Laws

Twelve Universal Laws from beyond our Universe, sustaining an eternal agreement with Creation, will become our World Constitution.  These are presented by the Ascended Masters in the New World Atlas, Volume One, by Lori Toye. “Step forth in the magnificence of the coming age.” Sananda, who brings forth the first four Jurisdictions. 

HARMONY. Alignment must precede balance.  Change is a continual process, whereby growth is achieved.  Earth changes are a way for Earth to realign and achieve balance. The Source must be replenished through balance.  The directive force of the will being love is the alignment.  Maintaining this alignment is balance and the continuous cycle is Harmony. Creating in full cooperation with one another is an AGREEMENT.  

ABUNDANCE.  There are many paths, many CHOICES.   This is Abundance.  Taking away another’s choice is going against this Law.  The natural law of this Planet is abundance for all, so there is no want or need.  This flows as a natural course, based and built upon the Law of Harmony.  Abundance is choosing health, joy, wisdom, free movement, and flowing into the world that openly gives and then receives. Allowing a free exchange between two or more brings about prosperity.                             

CLARITY.  Light comes forth for clarity, it does not judge or discern, it simply is, to allow us to see clearly.  Seeing clearly aligns the will to love.  NON-JUDGMENT brings light into our interactions and inner connections. Seeing clearly, we recognize the purpose of our life.  Choices are clear.                                                               

LOVE.  Continual, eternally repeated pattern, orderly and disciplined, flowing from the heart of the Creator as a stream.  The light which allows all things to flow, the principle of all creation, the first creative action is Love.  ALLOWING Love to stream forth, a ,direct ray, which is maintained through nurturing and growth (female principle) and sustained through being given a space and protected (masculine principle).  Love cannot enter the Planet without choice, as it must be allowed to flow into a clear space.  Built upon the Law of Clarity.  Passion is the urge to allow Love to stream forth from Source.

These Laws, emanating from the Great Central Sun in magnificent waves, can be heard like a song.  The song becomes stronger with each person who can hear it and stronger still, with each person who can hold a vision of the entirety of the world responding.  Har-mon-y flowing toward us in descending notes with a response, A-gree-ment in ascending notes.  We can agree to align with Love and live in harmony.  A-bun-dance descending, Choices, ascending.  We can open to endless choices and feel abundant.  Clarity  descending, non-judgment ascending.  We can see clearly when we are not judging.  Love descending, Allowing ascending.  When we open to Love, we can fill.  
SERVICE, brought forth by Sananda.  The sharing, exchange, alignment, and greatest desire.  It is the giving of all without expectation or remuneration.  The Law of the Universe provides.  Energetic balance with our being given the initial breath of life.  Becoming part of the creative cycle, which continues on and on, infinitely.  Born of Love, it is RELEASING  LOVE.  From service, all life springs through an eternal flowing of Love.  Only in service does expansion occur and continuous growth.

ILLUMINATION, brought forth by Sananda.   There are thoughts that come from the creative source and there are thoughts that come from the ego.  We choose creativity or non-creativity, non-judgment or judgment.  What is, is!  Illumination comes from being our knowing, choosing to use the mind without fear and judgment, and allowing the flow of life force, the continuous breath, to come into our thinking, being, and doing.  Illumination is an action, a creative interplay for a work of beauty, allowing our light to come forth through the responsible choice to build for all.   BUILDS FOR ALL.

COOPERATION, brought forth by Lady Master Venus and Sanat Kumara Working energies together.  Knowing and honoring the divine spark in all that is, is the female aspect of cooperation. Entering into an agreement to cooperate holds the picture of divine beauty.  The mental body doubted the existence of perfection, but the heart never forgets.  The male aspect of cooperation is the sustaining of creation by agreement   Cooperation, you follow through and sustain.  This creates the harmonics to flow toward all are ONE.  Expanding, we become whole and realize our part.  The doubt and struggle is released when knowing who we truly are!  Though forgetting is the path we have chosen, enlightenment has always been.  We are here because of our love.  SEES DIVINITY.

CHARITY, brought forth by Sanat Kumara.  An expression of the heart which is the joy of giving, sharing, and freely flowing energy.  Seeks balance and no reward in gifting, enjoying the delight of the recipient.  Charity, whether time, counsel, money, or possessions, is an expression of love.  Most joyous to give who we are to those who choose to receive. Are we willing to allow the charity that exists in the Universe to come to us?  LOVES EQUITY.   Comes on the “A” sound.

The song continues with Service, the response is Releasing Love.  Illumination, the response is Builds for All.  Cooperation,  Sees Divinity.  Charity, Loves Equity.

DESIRE, brought forth by Sanat Kumara.    Coming from the soul, in the likeness of a Creator, the spark of desire is a three-fold flame within the heart.  Love, wisdom, and power (pink, yellow, and blue rays) used to span the entire body and food was not required, when knowing self as Source.  Collective forgetting decreased the light into day and night and the need for rest.  The flame was held in protection with a circular motion between the heart and solar plexus, an ember seed expressing hope.  OM protects Flame of Desire, as our link to CREATOR.  The desire of the heart is the desire of creativity and will be held again within each cell of our being as a source of enlightenment. 

FAITH, brought forth by Sananda.   The moment before stillness, where one chooses to continue the desire of focus or not, faith is the essential ingredient for the expansion of the light.  Faith is the agreement between the focus of desire and the stillness of creation.  It is a reserve energetic, giving the ability to carry on when one has no strength.  Faith is our birthright, our choice for creation, allowing form to come forth through change.  It is in the stillness of all rays.  Tonal “A” allows collective thought to be gathered and aligned with the divine will.  Trusting CONTINUITY.

STILLNESS, brought forth by Sanat Kumara.   The space where the energies are gathered and aligned to come forth in a manifestation.  A point of transition, to contemplate and choose, and align with divine choice.  A space always in support, giving all and asking nothing, the ever-giving power generated by the I AM THAT I AM.  Seeing the Source is the choice to come Home.  In stillness, the breath allows the flow from within.  “AAA” (as in that) is the frequency that is the structure of the Universe and the breath, the cycle of creation that comes forth.  EVER-GIVING.

CREATION, brought forth by Mother MaryCreation is Divine order, a being pulsing with desire, radiating 12 rays, expressing on Earth with 7, with the Eighth Ray coming forward, sponsored by the Beloved Mother.  Creation is the source, the expansion and the continuous flame, a trust that all should continue on.  The sweetness of a smile is the innocence of Creation, a self-perpetuating motion, the joy of giving the Law of Love.
CREATIVITY, brought forth by Sananda.  Creation comes forth from the desire of Creativity, the expression of active energy and activated motion. Creativity is the path to bring forth the perfect Oneness, the perfection of Creation, the sum total of frequencies being expressed.  The collective Creativity is the I AM of Creation, following natural law.  Each desire is an expression of Creativity.  Wave sound of “e” of e-motion.  Reflect this back to your mighty I AM, and back further to the power of all powers.  Let this Jurisdiction and all preceding go forth on the wings of Creation to all ages of humanity to hear, to know, and to be. Let the perfected cell in each resonate in Oneness.  Moments of doubt, come forward in a choice that is clear and see your perfection.  CREATIVITY.