
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Violet Flame Decrees

Violet Ray

Brought forth for this time of transition.  The Violet Ray is the ray of mercy and compassion.  Violet Flame will transmute physical, mental, and emotional patterns.  To be invoked a minimum of three times a day and/or to meditate with the Violet Flame for ten minutes a day.

I AM a being of the Violet Flame, blazing in and around my body, transmuting all patterns of separation.
Beloved Spirit, resurrect all consciousness in and around my body,
in and around my Being, in and around my mental body. 
Conscious immortality arise.  
Hitaka, So Be It.

I AM Perfection   (7X)
Tone sound “HUE” (aligns chakras)

Invocation for Sunrise and Sunset:

I invoke the Violet Flame to come forth in the name of I Am That I Am,
To the Creative Force of all the realms of all the Universes, the Alpha, the
Omega, the Beginning, and the End,
To the Great Cosmic Beings and the Torch Bearers
of all the realms of all the Universes,
And the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Breath, Sound, and Light,
who honor the Flame that comes forth from the Ray of Divine Love - the Pink Ray, and the Ray of Divine Will - the Blue Ray of all Eternal Truths.
Stream in, through, and around our Beloved Earth.

I invoke the Violet Flame to come forth in the name of I Am That I Am!
Mighty Violet Flame, stream forth from the Heart of the Central Logos, the Mighty Great Central Sun!  Stream in, through, and around me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Crystals Connections in the Golden Cities.

Crystals that are in Shalahah, Malton, and Klehma

 Crystals in Gobean (photo courtesy of R. Fye) and Wahanee

Crystal Placements
for Vortex Communications

The particular work of the Malton Vortex has to do with the healing of the Elementals, and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms.  As part of the activation of this Vortex, we felt a need to increase the communication between Malton and the other four Golden City Vortices of the United States through the use of clear quartz crystals..  A mother crystal (a crystal with smaller crystals growing on her sides) is held in Malton,  She is programmed to flow communications from Unana (unity consciousness) and Beloved Babajeran (the Earth Mother) and to radiate these energies to the other crystals.  All five crystals hold the connection to the other crystals and move their energies primarily in the order of their Vortex activation. .  The four other crystals are either held or buried in the other Vortices.

 Our Crystal Courier Alice carried the Shalahah Crystal to Montana and with her niece Jodi, from that area, were guided by the Crystal into a measdow beside a young tree.  They felt intense energies of celebration in which the swirling winds and clouds became dramatic participants.  After calling upon those who are working for the highest good of the Earth and holding up the Crystal for a special blessing, they recited this Invocation:

In the name of I Am That I Am I,
I bury this crystal at the center of this Vortex
to call forth a great web of healing Love
from our hearts to the heart of the Beloved Earth,
to be sustained and felt throughout the 51 Vortexes
surrounding the Planet,
So Be It.

The Klehma Crystal was sent from there to Crystal Couriers Kathleen and Gayle in Colorado, who traveled to the center of that Vortex and buried the Crystal.  They also felt guided to a particular location and experienced the gathering of uplifting energies and the participation of the Nature surrounding them as they repeated the same Invocation. 

A crystal has been programmed in Gobean, belonging to Alex, and will be couriered to the Star.   The Wahanee Crystal has now been received by Beverly, who is leading classes in the center of that Vortex in Georgia.  She was thrilled with how it looked and felt.  Speaking with her on the telephone the moment that she placed this Crystal upon her Altar, I instantly received a call from our Shalahah Crystal Courier Alice, who asked me if I was working with the crystals because she just got a jolt from the Montana Crystal!  I answered that we had just placed the Wahanee Crystal into the circuit.  Montana would be next on its relay.  Obviously, this was a powerful event, now having all five crystals connected and active in their respective locations.  Georgia now feels much closer to Mattoon, Illinois, as does Arizona, Montana, and Colorado.  May our vitality and closeness continue to build and help to inspire many more to journey through these wondrous Golden City Vortices.  So Be It!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Activation of Mal-ton

Activation of Mal-tonE

This Vortex was the second to be activated with a very precise ceremony.  But the actual process of activation is contingent upon the conscious connections which are created and the activities which stream forth.  Part of the networking for this Vortex is to keep it active and in the hearts and minds of those who reside here.  There are techniques with sacred geometry to develop an awareness of the 51 Vortexes surrounding the planet.  Each time this is experienced, the spiritual gridwork for the planet gets stronger. Ways to keep the relationship with the Earth foremost will be explored.

Most important is that we share a heart space with the Earth.   I feel that those who are being called into this Work are aware of the planetary needs at this time and their hearts are flowing healing love to the planet.  The necessity of groups at this time is that everything becomes exceedingly more powerful where two or more are gathered to do spiritual work.  Working with the Rays, Sounds, and Breath in conjunction with Invocations and Decrees can radiate transforming energies from this Vortex. 

Part of the impetus behind the Earth Changes is to reduce our use of  resources and lighten our footprint.  We will be driven back to simplicity.  But from simplicity, Love naturally flows.  And from Love comes Unity.  We will consider a path of simplicity which includes sustainability, diet, and bartering.  In order for the Earth to return to Her pristine condition, we need to return our bodies and minds to their highest good.
   The Mother Earth, Beloved Babajeran, weeps with joy as we remember Her.