
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seven Rays

Seven Rays
Taken from the New World Atlas, Volume III, by Lenard and Lori Toye 
(see Booklist, August Archives, or go directly to Iamamerica.com).

BLUE.  The first qualification of light is the blue ray, seen as an electrical impulse.  Ray One is closest to the Source, carrying forth the truth and the will of light.  It also carries the essence of the destroyer and the promise of re-creation within its purpose.  Prodigal son, who strays and then returns.  Ability to grow strong and always return.  Sun, Uranus.

PINK.  The second qualification carries the divine female, knowing only love.  Attracts and attaches creation to the ONE, the light of harmony, the tie that binds all.  The force of the home and family, connecting to the ONE.  Announces its arrival with sound.  Our connectedness to ourselves and the wants and needs of others.  Jupiter, Neptune.

YELLOW.  The third qualification, carries the OMNIPRESENCE of illumination to creation.  To hold the utilization of light within the purpose of Source.  The love/wisdom ray, the most active servant of Source, shedding light on all creations which serve purpose, scrutinizing form into the plan for the “best and highest good.”  Receiving the teachings of experience as gifts which reveal the synchronicities and joy in life.  Saturn.

WHITE.  Ray of purity, the fourth qualification, is harmony achieved through conflict, creating a purification through fire. A challenging ray to work with, once disciplined, its focus comes from the ability to heal and harmonize through pain, turmoil, and suffering, forging the strength to carry the mission of the heart.  The “holy comforter.”  Staying innocent by accepting trials and tribulations to achieve a higher goal.  Mercury, Pluto.

GREEN.  Fifth ray, rules humanity, activating the intelligence of higher consciousness.   Teachings and energies glisten like a star, lighting a path to follow.  This force is associated with the pineal gland, the ability to travel dimensionally, and the building force and architect of the Universe.  Simplicity develops common sense. Venus.

RUBY.  Sixth, ray of devotion, carrying the urges deep within the heart into a cause.  This force evolves the first group of world servers.  Governs the life force of the body and planet.  The ray of destiny, with all things happening for a reason and preparing a place for us in service to the LIGHT.  Endless and abundant energy for one committed to serve, revealing inner strengths and disciplining the soul for all conditions.  Mars.

VIOLET.  Seventh, ray of alchemy, transmuting in order to achieve.  Closely related to the white ray but carrying the energy of mysticism and miracles.  Governs the voice and the power of the spoken word, empowering consciousness to ask and receive. The violet flame of compassion and forgiveness can instantly transmute, crackling, with its spiritual fire. Grace is for all, ensuring peace.  Moon, Pluto (as overtone of white).        

Color these teachings: Truth, Love, Wisdom, Purity, Reason, Devotion, and Forgiveness.

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