
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why Earth Changes?

A world which did not need Earth Changes would be in harmony with the ONE Mind and Universal Laws, having an economy based upon fair trade and open sharing, no want or need, an agrarian society which would support the environment, organic food, alternative energies, solid family structures, where everyone would grow up with love and cooperation, life without degradation, charity instead of welfare, voluntary taxation for enhancing the arts and life, no crime, prisons, or special interests.  There would be an open society with all participating freely and joyfully.

Instead, the Earth is taking corrective measures to regain her balance.  Reports occur daily of earthquakes, high winds, fires, and rising water.  Just as we strive to rebalance ourselves within adverse conditions, so does the Earth.  She is responding to the pollution of her air and rivers, her forests being torn down, her resources overwhelmed by an exploding population, being torn apart by weaponry, and feeling sustainable life declining in many areas because of toxins and greed.  Can we even begin to imagine the pain to a wondrous, sentient Planet from an underground nuclear explosion?  

Would it be that surprising if one day the Earth brought her waters across warring countries like a blanket to calm aggressions?  Would she have a right to drown nuclear power plants, tear apart oil rigs, shake loose the weight of asphalt, and blow down high tension wires?  Just as with our own bodies, water washes, the wind of our breath sweeps away, the fire of a fever burns up, and retching expels, her way of cleansing herself would be with her elements and shaking loose what binds her.  Without a clear understanding of the impact of our habits, we could be in danger of being swept away by their results.  How we treat our own personal Earth bodies may be indicative of how we are treating our Planet.  When we sense something is going to happen, there is still time to work on the cause.  Allowing our intuition to function on a large scale is a matter of developing a kinship with the Earth and allowing her direction to become a part of our awareness.  Earth changes are warning us to wake up to our oneness.  

The Ascended Masters have been channeling through Lori Adaile Toye ways to lessen and transmute the patterns which have been bringing so much destruction.  Their maps of changes are strikingly similar to the visions of the Native Americans and many others the world over.  Saint Germain refers to the Earth change prophecies as a way to get our attention, so we will open to the underlying spiritual teachings of how to make changes within ourselves to bring about a world we would all want to inhabit.  We have the power to do this with our choices.  “A change of heart can change the world.”  

The Earth Mother asked for an Intervention because of the extreme depletion of our sustainability.  Fifty-one Golden City Vortices around the world were the response, each, calibrated to lift the Planet and bring forth a Color Ray and a devoted Master Teacher to assist our growth. These Vortices function like our own chakras, spinning clockwise to drawn in energies and counter-clockwise to release and cleanse. They are 270 miles wide and the Stars, or centers, are particularly sensitive to the happenings, attitudes, and projections of those inhabiting them.  If a positive alignment with the Planet occurs within the Star and a path is chosen to bring about the highest good, it can affect an enormous number of people and be in partnership with other awakening Vortices.   

When we reach “critical mass,” a leap of consciousness will open for all.  When we are linked together with a common purpose, we can form a grid of Light to hold a loving planet as she heals and evolves, healing and evolving ourselves at the same time.