
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I AM America Map

The United States, Central and South America, and Canada.
Taken from the Freedom Star, New World Atlas, Volume I and Light of Awakening, by Lori Toye
The intervention call by the Earth, Beloved Babajeran, resulted in 51 Golden City Vortices around the globe.  Three Maps of 17 Golden Cities each are encoded with  transition sequences to lift the Planet: The I Am America Map of the Americas, The Greening Map of China, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India, and the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa. The I AM America Map integrates the I AM Presence to establish the I AM Race (anagram of America).  North, Central, and South America will join as ONE expression to become the nucleus of the New Times.  The principal rays of this Map are the Violet Ray of forgiveness and transmutation, the Pink Ray of Divine Love, and the Green Ray of abundance and healing.  

The prophesied changes to these lands are outlined in the New World Atlas, Volume I and the Master Teachers and their Color Rays and Golden City purpose are listed in the Freedom Star by Lori Toye (available at Iamamerica.com, click on Books).

The United States will be the first to recover from geophysical changes and assist others.  Americans are entrusted with holding freedom for every living and conscious being on the planet Earth.  Freedom of expression, freedom from fear, and the freedom to follow the heart’s desire, all are chosen and applied in service to the world through experience and example.  Love, in service, brings the thought and activity which unites us all, creating cooperation.   Our change of heart will bring a new vision for all of us.  Uprooting change brings empowering choices and new actions of co-existing.  As thoughts clear, the veil is pierced and grace is collectively chosen.  We are guided to the great cities of light energy to restore ourselves and advance our development.

As we are called to a higher purpose, a great transformation occurs, illuminating our planet as the Freedom Star, sending a message throughout the Universe.  The heart of the dove descends into the middle of the United States, enabling it to become the home for many brothers and sisters of creation.   It is said that the Ascended Masters will reside for twenty years in these Golden Cities, teaching and healing:  El Morya of the Blue Ray, Kuthumi of the Ruby and Gold, Saint Germain of the Violet Ray, Sananda, the Green Ray, and Serapis Bey, the White Ray.

South America, the Motherland, and Central America, the Cradleland, once flourishing as the highly developed Atlanteans, and will rise again and sponsor the next wave of incoming souls, the Seventh Manu.  This manu brings their great gifts of forgiveness, grace, and peace.  Some have already entered lives of poverty, abuse, and confusion, and we are called to mother and cradle them.  South America serves as the Great Mother with great nurturing and protection.  Being enfolded in love and care opens the heart to see that every one embodies the Cosmic Birther.  Goddesses Andeo, Braham, and Tehekoa serve here as the Three Sisters. 

The Cradleland, the rising lands of Atlantis, brings a new destiny and births a new reality and dimension of light and sound.  Here, we synergize our efforts by aligning ourselves to the great heart of love.  Master Teachers are Mother Mary, Peter the Everlasting, Paul the Devoted, and Kuan Yin.

Canada is the Land of Creation, blessed with great abundance and enough for all!  Canada is the great crown of the flame for the lands sponsored by Saint Germain.  As the heart of the people soften to accept the glory of universal law, these lands and seas will overflow with abundance and art and music will fill the cities.   When the eagle’s talons release, the dove’s breast emerges, revealing a purity and innocence that will feed the entire Americas.  Canada’s destiny is to open the playful child in life, rejoicing in a playground of co-creation.  This land of natural abundance and minimal labors leaves time and inspiration for artistic expression.  This is a message for the whole planet, that when we find the perfection of our hearts through forgiveness, we become as little children and learn to play.  New races will incarnate here and Canada will be known as the Bridge of Brotherhood.   In service here is Soltec, Portia, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Paul the Venetian, and Hilarion.

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