Foundational Laws
Twelve Universal Laws from beyond our Universe, sustaining
an eternal agreement with Creation, will become our World Constitution. These are presented by the Ascended Masters
in the New World Atlas, Volume One, by Lori Toye. “Step forth in the
magnificence of the coming age.” Sananda, who brings forth the first four
HARMONY. Alignment
must precede balance. Change is a
continual process, whereby growth is achieved.
Earth changes are a way for Earth to realign and achieve balance. The
Source must be replenished through balance.
The directive force of the will being love is the alignment. Maintaining this alignment is balance and the
continuous cycle is Harmony. Creating in full cooperation with one another is
ABUNDANCE. There are many paths, many CHOICES.
This is Abundance. Taking away another’s choice is going against
this Law. The natural law of this Planet
is abundance for all, so there is no want or need. This flows as a natural course, based and
built upon the Law of Harmony. Abundance
is choosing health, joy, wisdom, free movement, and flowing into the world that
openly gives and then receives. Allowing a free exchange between two or more brings
about prosperity.
CLARITY. Light comes forth for clarity, it does not
judge or discern, it simply is, to allow us to see clearly. Seeing clearly aligns the will to love. NON-JUDGMENT
brings light into our interactions and inner connections. Seeing clearly, we
recognize the purpose of our life.
Choices are clear.
LOVE. Continual, eternally repeated pattern,
orderly and disciplined, flowing from the heart of the Creator as a stream. The light which allows all things to flow,
the principle of all creation, the first creative action is Love. ALLOWING
Love to stream forth, a ,direct ray, which is maintained through nurturing
and growth (female principle) and sustained through being given a space and
protected (masculine principle). Love
cannot enter the Planet without choice, as it must be allowed to flow into a clear
space. Built upon the Law of Clarity. Passion is the urge to allow Love to stream
forth from Source.
These Laws, emanating from the Great Central Sun in
magnificent waves, can be heard like a song.
The song becomes stronger with each person who can hear it and stronger
still, with each person who can hold a vision of the entirety of the world
responding. Har-mon-y flowing toward us
in descending notes with a response, A-gree-ment in ascending notes. We can agree to align with Love and live in
harmony. A-bun-dance descending,
Choices, ascending. We can open to
endless choices and feel abundant. Clarity descending, non-judgment ascending. We can see clearly when we are not
judging. Love descending, Allowing
ascending. When we open to Love, we can
SERVICE, brought
forth by Sananda. The sharing, exchange,
alignment, and greatest desire. It is
the giving of all without expectation or remuneration. The Law of the Universe provides. Energetic balance with our being given the
initial breath of life. Becoming part of
the creative cycle, which continues on and on, infinitely. Born of Love, it is RELEASING LOVE. From service, all life springs through an eternal
flowing of Love. Only in service does
expansion occur and continuous growth.
forth by Sananda. There are thoughts that come from the creative
source and there are thoughts that come from the ego. We choose creativity or non-creativity,
non-judgment or judgment. What is, is! Illumination comes from being our knowing,
choosing to use the mind without fear and judgment, and allowing the flow of
life force, the continuous breath, to come into our thinking, being, and
doing. Illumination is an action, a
creative interplay for a work of beauty, allowing our light to come forth
through the responsible choice to build for all. BUILDS FOR ALL.
forth by Lady Master Venus and Sanat Kumara. Working
energies together. Knowing and honoring
the divine spark in all that is, is the female aspect of cooperation. Entering
into an agreement to cooperate holds the picture of divine beauty. The mental body doubted the existence of
perfection, but the heart never forgets.
The male aspect of cooperation is the sustaining of creation by
agreement Cooperation, you follow
through and sustain. This creates the
harmonics to flow toward all are ONE. Expanding,
we become whole and realize our part.
The doubt and struggle is released when knowing who we truly are! Though forgetting is the path we have chosen,
enlightenment has always been. We are
here because of our love. SEES DIVINITY.
CHARITY, brought
forth by Sanat Kumara. An expression of the heart which is the joy
of giving, sharing, and freely flowing energy.
Seeks balance and no reward in gifting, enjoying the delight of the
recipient. Charity, whether time,
counsel, money, or possessions, is an expression of love. Most joyous to give who we are to those who
choose to receive. Are we willing to allow the charity that exists in the
Universe to come to us? LOVES EQUITY.
Comes on the “A” sound.
The song continues with Service, the response is
Releasing Love. Illumination, the
response is Builds for All. Cooperation, Sees Divinity. Charity, Loves Equity.
DESIRE, brought
forth by Sanat Kumara. Coming from the soul, in the likeness
of a Creator, the spark of desire is a three-fold flame within the heart. Love, wisdom, and power (pink, yellow, and
blue rays) used to span the entire body and food was not required, when knowing
self as Source. Collective forgetting
decreased the light into day and night and the need for rest. The flame was held in protection with a
circular motion between the heart and solar plexus, an ember seed expressing
hope. OM
protects Flame of Desire, as our link to CREATOR. The desire of the heart is the desire of
creativity and will be held again within each cell of our being as a source of
FAITH, brought
forth by Sananda. The moment before stillness, where one
chooses to continue the desire of focus or not, faith is the essential
ingredient for the expansion of the light.
Faith is the agreement between the focus of desire and the stillness of
creation. It is a reserve energetic,
giving the ability to carry on when one has no strength. Faith is our birthright, our choice for
creation, allowing form to come forth through change. It is in the stillness of all rays. Tonal “A” allows collective thought to be
gathered and aligned with the divine will. Trusting CONTINUITY.
STILLNESS, brought
forth by Sanat Kumara. The
space where the energies are gathered and aligned to come forth in a
manifestation. A point of transition, to
contemplate and choose, and align with divine choice. A space always in support, giving all and
asking nothing, the ever-giving power generated by the I AM THAT I AM. Seeing the Source is the choice to come
Home. In stillness, the breath allows
the flow from within. “AAA” (as in that)
is the frequency that is the structure of the Universe and the breath, the
cycle of creation that comes forth. EVER-GIVING.
CREATION, brought
forth by Mother Mary. Creation is Divine order, a being pulsing
with desire, radiating 12 rays, expressing on Earth with 7, with the Eighth Ray
coming forward, sponsored by the Beloved Mother. Creation is the source, the expansion and the
continuous flame, a trust that all should continue on. The sweetness of a smile is
the innocence of Creation, a self-perpetuating motion, the joy of giving the
Law of Love.
forth by Sananda. Creation comes forth
from the desire of Creativity, the expression of active energy and activated
motion. Creativity is the path to bring forth the perfect Oneness, the
perfection of Creation, the sum total of frequencies being expressed. The collective Creativity is the I AM of
Creation, following natural law. Each
desire is an expression of Creativity.
Wave sound of “e” of e-motion.
Reflect this back to your mighty I AM, and back further to the power of
all powers. Let this Jurisdiction and
all preceding go forth on the wings of Creation to all ages of humanity to
hear, to know, and to be. Let the perfected cell in each resonate in
Oneness. Moments of doubt, come forward
in a choice that is clear and see your perfection. CREATIVITY.
So Be It!