
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Greening Map

 Asia, India, and Australia. 
Taken from the Freedom Star, New World Atlas, Volume II and Light of Awakening
by Lori Adaile Toye

 The intervention call by the Earth, Beloved Babajeran, resulted in 51 Golden City Vortices around the globe.  Three Maps of 17 Golden Cities each are encoded with transition sequences to lift the Planet: The I Am America Map of the Americas, The Greening Map of China, Asia, Australia, Japan, and India, and the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa.  

The Greening Map is under the loving direction and care of Kuan Yin.  The prophesied changes to these lands are outlined in the New World Atlas, Volume II and the Master Teachers and their Color Rays and Golden City purpose are listed in the Freedom Star by Lori Toye (available at Iamamerica.com, click on Books).

The sequence of the Greening Map of Asia and Australia is designed to restore the Earth Mother, healing the feminine personally and transpersonally and awakening Ecological Alchemy.  The predominant Ray Forces of White and Pink, Purity and Love, balance oppressive male energies which have been prevailing and awaken the fourth and fifth dimensions of the Divine Heart of Humanity. 

The changing heart of the lands of Asia and India, brings people to rebirth and resurrects universal thought, leading the largest mass of people into a life which grows from the heart.  These lands are to be filled with life’s vigor and great presence.  When geophysical changes are seen as messages to use wisdom instead of suffering and wars, society gains the gifts of forgiveness, mercy, and compassion.  The Greening Map is a message for all, a call to unity and oneness for all life and to preserve life in all its forms, awakening the laws of ecological alchemy.  The land will respond immediately, forming abundant agricultural plains where there once was wasteland.  So many new varieties of flowers will bloom in India that the surrounding seas will carry their fragrance.

The Greening Lands bring universal rhythm and the harmony of Co-Creation.  Five Archangels sponsor Golden Cities indicating a great focus of heavenly service in these lands:  Archangels Chamuel of the Pink Ray, Uriel of the Ruby Ray, Jophiel of the Yellow Ray, Raphael of the Green Ray, and Gabriel of the White Ray.  Many of the great avatars and teachers of humanity reappear to serve this coming age of grace, Lord Himalaya, Lord Meru, Lord Guatama, and the Great Divine Mother.  Diana, the Elohim of Freedom with Arcturus, Goddess Minerva with the Elohim of Wisdom, Cassiopeia, Lady Visceria, and Faith, Hope, and Charity and Reya of the White Ray.  Also in service is the ever present and ever changing Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.

New lands appear above Australia, to be known as the Lands of Oneness.  The sequence ends with people merging into collective oneness with life and the world.  Australia is served by the Elohim of Divine Love, Orion and Angelica, the Elohim of Purity, Astrea, and Lady Master Desiree of the Blue Ray. 
Hear the prodding of the Flame of Freedom within the heart, holding love, wisdom, power, and desire.  This leaps to the monad and in that gentle merging, ascension occurs.  It is time to move into the heart.  Let go of the wounds and stand up!  Only in freedom do we live and breathe and have our true nature and being.  Soon choices will not be required, as the heart functions with the law of love and understands the beauty of the wisdom ray.  Breathing the divine plan is like an open sail, moving us effortlessly.  Blaze the freedom flame of transformation, serving your divinity.

Kuan Yin:  “Remember, as you play dear children, who your playmates are.  They are an extension of you and as an extension of you, they are you.  Every being, individual, flower, and animal are of you and you are of it . . . work to extend your consciousness into all that is round you.  Be it simply called a flower, let your consciousness become it and it becomes you.”    We are a race of friendship, one with the land of Babajeran and are asked to sit upon her lap and allow the bounty of the universe to provide.  This restoration will heal all wounds of the soul and bring a beautiful garden.  Water the roots of your tree lavishly and open your root to one another so your fruit is one fruit.  As one life, each step walks with life in the compassion of the law of one.  The purpose of this work is to develop deeper love between human beings.  The choice is to enter into another cycle of planetary change or enter into the Golden Age of cooperation and participation within universal principles.  We are trusted to perform our practiced roles.   

Have compassion for those who do not understand.  Ask that all barriers in their life be removed.  Regenerate, wipe tears, bring forgiveness eternal in this time of change.  Become as a child again.  Grow gardens and hang laundry in the winds in this violet age of grace.  Decree each day: “Mighty Violet Ray flow through, in and around me.  All who come in contact with me, may they be blessed with the electromagnetic presence of the mighty Violet Ray.”  Command and demand this Violet Ray through and around your being.  Command and demand this Violet Ray throughout the planet.  This builds an electromagnetic bridge for all to use, to travel across the vibrational frequency of love.      

When you say “I AM,” you command substance into being.  Develop gratitude and thankfulness for the mighty I AM presence for supplying all that you have needed for this day. Perceive that prosperity is around us always.   Blaze the Violet Flame through any thought that has brought discord or disharmony to your plan of action.  If there are situations and personalities that are not serving this work, we ask that you simply stay away.  Bless them, love them, but keep your vibration in harmony with your work.  If attracting less than want, it is because you are less than inside, so that the qualities of the heart have not yet manifested.  Give honor to the great inner flame, your true reality.  The Law of Group, two or more. . .and from two, the third is beloved Babajeran.  The path of adeptship asks constantly for you to restore, rejuvenate, and enter into the path of cosmic service, becoming the aggregate body of light, your immortal being.  Let the great dove of peace land in your heart.  You have not strayed but simply not opened your eyes. 

The infinite golden flame is felt in the surrender of the soul, birthing the innocent being and understanding that life is one continuous vibratory action.  The qualities of the golden, eighth ray are sustainment, protection, longevity, blending, and harmonizing of creation.   One life, one source that knows no difference of the points contained within its plane of existence, but knows the ultra consciousness shared by all those points that exist within the one.  Your body is filled with the consciousness of your divine immortal being, this infinite circle of life, filled with immortal destiny.  All are you.  Duality blends the extensions of the self.  Departure and arrival become an infinite union.  Law of grace infuses the entire being in the infinite circle.  Mary:  “The halo or essence of your being is like a sun rising around you. . .a great reflection of that mighty flame of the infinite eternal self. . .I see each one of you as the light that you truly are. . .find your child within your infinite being and the safety of that harbor then is yours. . .move away from the fear of external and find the joy and grace that awaits you.”

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