Taken from Points of Perception by Lori Adaile
(see August Archives, Booklist)
Shamballa means “make sacred,” and it is a Golden City located
next to the Gobi Desert
in China, over the Qilian Shan Mountains. It has had a long history in the physical
world, being destroyed by Earth cataclysms and rebuilt three times, then to be
ascended. The purpose of this City of White was to hold the perfect
spiritual consciousness to evolve humanity and save it from annihilation, due
to its continual disconnection from Source.
Shamballa is the ethereal home of Sanat Kumara, whose
compassion kept the Earth from being destroyed by a cosmic council. He lends his light to the disharmony and
darkness upon the planet and his followers have endured karma, as they continue
to incarnate to raise the consciousness of the Earth. Serapis Bey, an exalted being of light, descended
into a physical body to oversee the building of Shamballa for 900 years.
The Time of Shamballa is an annual retreat, sanctuary, rejuvenation,
and planning for the next year, with a month long celebration honoring the
Elements. Ascended beings, archangels, Elohim,
and beings from other planets and solar systems hold meetings, ceremonies, and
discuss plans. During this time, earthly students receive messages about
pending events and possibly harm averted through intentional thought. The light bodies of the unascended can be
accelerated during meditation and dreamstates, so they can be escorted by
ascended members to the etheric temples. Shamballa begins December 17 with the
lighting of the Eternal Flame, the Fireless Light, on the main temple altar. The number 17 signifies the awakening of the
Christ Consciousness, the birth of the Sun of Light within.
December 18-24. Earth
Element. Celebrate the birth of the Earth
Mother! Focus upon Earth healing and
thanking her for the opportunities for experience. She has given us our bodies from her own
body, cloaking the I AM Spirit with her substance. Bowls of salt are placed on all the altars,
representing the unity of Earth and Spirit.
December 25-31. Air
Element. Ruling mental movement, these
celebrations express gratitude to all World Teachers and all messengers who
have come forth to ease the suffering of humanity. There is a symbolic release of the Doves of
January 1-7. Water
Element. Ruling emotion, the reverence
for love and friendship is celebrated with Cup Ceremonies. This is a water ceremony celebrating the
union of the Earth Mother and the Soul Families. The Cup is passed and charged with the
prayers of the devoted and then poured on the Earth. There is feasting and supping as ONE.
January 8-14. Fire
Element. The message of spirit is the
capstone on the other elements. Spiritual
Fire is celebrated with personal purifications, reflections, setting
intentions, and meditating on the upcoming year. The Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light
review their plans. Candles are lit for
each of the Seven Rays.
January 15-16 seals the divinity of the ONE, celebrating Unana
and working as a unit.
January 17, the light of the Eternal Flame returns to Venus.
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