
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Taken from Points of Perception by Lori Adaile Toye 
(see August Archives, Booklist)

Shamballa means “make sacred,” and it is a Golden City located next to the Gobi Desert in China, over the Qilian Shan Mountains.  It has had a long history in the physical world, being destroyed by Earth cataclysms and rebuilt three times, then to be ascended.  The purpose of this City of White was to hold the perfect spiritual consciousness to evolve humanity and save it from annihilation, due to its continual disconnection from Source.  

Shamballa is the ethereal home of Sanat Kumara, whose compassion kept the Earth from being destroyed by a cosmic council.  He lends his light to the disharmony and darkness upon the planet and his followers have endured karma, as they continue to incarnate to raise the consciousness of the Earth.  Serapis Bey, an exalted being of light, descended into a physical body to oversee the building of Shamballa for 900 years. 

The Time of Shamballa is an annual retreat, sanctuary, rejuvenation, and planning for the next year, with a month long celebration honoring the Elements.  Ascended beings, archangels, Elohim, and beings from other planets and solar systems hold meetings, ceremonies, and discuss plans. During this time, earthly students receive messages about pending events and possibly harm averted through intentional thought.  The light bodies of the unascended can be accelerated during meditation and dreamstates, so they can be escorted by ascended members to the etheric temples.   Shamballa begins December 17 with the lighting of the Eternal Flame, the Fireless Light, on the main temple altar.  The number 17 signifies the awakening of the Christ Consciousness, the birth of the Sun of Light within.

December 18-24.  Earth Element.  Celebrate the birth of the Earth Mother!  Focus upon Earth healing and thanking her for the opportunities for experience.  She has given us our bodies from her own body, cloaking the I AM Spirit with her substance.  Bowls of salt are placed on all the altars, representing the unity of Earth and Spirit.

December 25-31.  Air Element.  Ruling mental movement, these celebrations express gratitude to all World Teachers and all messengers who have come forth to ease the suffering of humanity.  There is a symbolic release of the Doves of Peace.   

January 1-7.  Water Element.  Ruling emotion, the reverence for love and friendship is celebrated with Cup Ceremonies.  This is a water ceremony celebrating the union of the Earth Mother and the Soul Families.  The Cup is passed and charged with the prayers of the devoted and then poured on the Earth.  There is feasting and supping as ONE.

January 8-14.  Fire Element.  The message of spirit is the capstone on the other elements.  Spiritual Fire is celebrated with personal purifications, reflections, setting intentions, and meditating on the upcoming year.  The Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light review their plans.  Candles are lit for each of the Seven Rays.

January 15-16 seals the divinity of the ONE, celebrating Unana and working as a unit.

January 17, the light of the Eternal Flame returns to Venus.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seven Rays

Seven Rays
Taken from the New World Atlas, Volume III, by Lenard and Lori Toye 
(see Booklist, August Archives, or go directly to Iamamerica.com).

BLUE.  The first qualification of light is the blue ray, seen as an electrical impulse.  Ray One is closest to the Source, carrying forth the truth and the will of light.  It also carries the essence of the destroyer and the promise of re-creation within its purpose.  Prodigal son, who strays and then returns.  Ability to grow strong and always return.  Sun, Uranus.

PINK.  The second qualification carries the divine female, knowing only love.  Attracts and attaches creation to the ONE, the light of harmony, the tie that binds all.  The force of the home and family, connecting to the ONE.  Announces its arrival with sound.  Our connectedness to ourselves and the wants and needs of others.  Jupiter, Neptune.

YELLOW.  The third qualification, carries the OMNIPRESENCE of illumination to creation.  To hold the utilization of light within the purpose of Source.  The love/wisdom ray, the most active servant of Source, shedding light on all creations which serve purpose, scrutinizing form into the plan for the “best and highest good.”  Receiving the teachings of experience as gifts which reveal the synchronicities and joy in life.  Saturn.

WHITE.  Ray of purity, the fourth qualification, is harmony achieved through conflict, creating a purification through fire. A challenging ray to work with, once disciplined, its focus comes from the ability to heal and harmonize through pain, turmoil, and suffering, forging the strength to carry the mission of the heart.  The “holy comforter.”  Staying innocent by accepting trials and tribulations to achieve a higher goal.  Mercury, Pluto.

GREEN.  Fifth ray, rules humanity, activating the intelligence of higher consciousness.   Teachings and energies glisten like a star, lighting a path to follow.  This force is associated with the pineal gland, the ability to travel dimensionally, and the building force and architect of the Universe.  Simplicity develops common sense. Venus.

RUBY.  Sixth, ray of devotion, carrying the urges deep within the heart into a cause.  This force evolves the first group of world servers.  Governs the life force of the body and planet.  The ray of destiny, with all things happening for a reason and preparing a place for us in service to the LIGHT.  Endless and abundant energy for one committed to serve, revealing inner strengths and disciplining the soul for all conditions.  Mars.

VIOLET.  Seventh, ray of alchemy, transmuting in order to achieve.  Closely related to the white ray but carrying the energy of mysticism and miracles.  Governs the voice and the power of the spoken word, empowering consciousness to ask and receive. The violet flame of compassion and forgiveness can instantly transmute, crackling, with its spiritual fire. Grace is for all, ensuring peace.  Moon, Pluto (as overtone of white).        

Color these teachings: Truth, Love, Wisdom, Purity, Reason, Devotion, and Forgiveness.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The Mental Body doubted the existence of Perfection but the Heart never forgot. 

As part of our 11-11-11 Celebration, honoring the work of so many who were focused upon lifting the Planet and our Group Soul  into a Golden Age, we sang the Jurisdictions to the tune of Camelot! We are now entering that beautiful world of Harmony, Love, and Healing.  
For more information on these Universal Laws, please refer to the New World Atlas, Volume One 
(see the Book List in August or go directly to iamamerica.com).

Align the will to Love agrees to HARMONY
ABUNDANCE then is endlessness of choice
And CLARITY comes swiftly without judgment
In Camelot.

For LOVE streams forth when choosing to allow it
With SERVICE as the greatest of desires
ILLUMINATION is the choice of Beauty
At Camelot

I know it gives a person pause
But in Camelot,
These are Universal Laws

CO-OPERATION sees each one’s divinity
And CHARITY distributes joyfully
DESIRE links creation to creator
For Camelot

FAITH chooses to continue with our Birthright
From STILLNESS where the Ever-giving lives
CREATION is a Being
For happily ever-aftering
Right here in Camelot.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Meeting Format

In Times of Changes, seek the Changeless

We have formatted our gatherings so that each member leads a portion of the meeting, preparing one another for times when some of us can not be in attendance.  This is also an opportunity for others to join us in spirit in these observances whenever they are able, especially welcomed as New Moon and Full Moon Ceremonies.   Your participation would be highly valued.

As we arrive, we engage in general conversations about current and approaching events, important dreams, and messages which have been received.  + means to echo.

1)  Opening.  We gather together to be of service to the Earthly Mother and Her great liberation into the Freedom Star.  We invite those to be present who are working for our highest good and for the highest good of the Earthly Mother.  (Pause) We honor all those present and give special appreciation to Kuthumi, best known to us as Saint Francis of Assisi, who sponsors our Golden City Vortex of Malton.  We share his love for the Earth, Her Elements, Animals, Plants, and Minerals.      OM EANDRA + (echo).

2)  Clearing:  (do often)  We call upon Archangels Michael and Ariel to bringing down a tunnel of Light to clear our bodies and our circle and after a long pause, when feeling clear, we will each begin a soft toning of “Hu” to align our chakras.

3)  Violet Ray and Twilight Breath (best done at dawn and dusk). We use the second part (lower case letters)  as an echo to the capital letters within our group.
                                        I AM              a being of the Violet Flame
BLAZING               in and around my Body
TRANSMUTING              all patterns of separation.
BELOVED SPIRIT,                  resurrect all consciousness
IN                                          and around my Body,
IN                                    and around my Being,
IN                      and around my Mental Body.
          CONSCIOUS IMMORTALITY                            arise!
                                                  (all)  SO BE IT.

We call upon the Golden Ray and bring this Ray into the third eye.  Focusing upon this Ray, we breathe deeply, moving this golden ray through the throat chakra into the heart, activating the 8-sided cell of perfection.  7 deep breaths.

4)  Sing the Jurisdictions:  Call Jurisdiction from beyond the Universe.  First time, the echo is from the self, the second, feeling (seeing, hearing) world responding, third, an expression of joy.
HARMONY- Agreement, ABUNDANCE – Choices, CLARITY – Non-judgment, LOVE – Allowing;        SERVICE – Releasing Love, ILLUMINATION – Beauty for All, COOPERATION – Sees Divinity, CHARITY, equity;     DESIRE – Creator, FAITH – Continuity, STILLNESS – Ever-giving, CREATION – Creativity.

5) Healing the Elements (when apart, this is a New Moon Ceremony).   We call to the North for the healing of the Earth and picture the joy and radiance of all life, in, around, and within the Planet, seeing, touching, feeling humans, animals, plants, and minerals living fully in the perfection of their Bodies.  SO BE IT.  We call to the East for the healing of the Air, seeing, feeling, and breathing the purity and freshness of the Air as all life rejoices in the fullness of their breath. SO BE IT.  We call to the South for the healing of Water, seeing, feeling, and touching the purity and freshness of the Water in the oceans, in the rains, in the rivers and springs, and pouring from the taps all over the world.  SO BE IT.   We call to the West for the healing of Fire, seeing and feeling the perfect warmth and cleansing of its alchemy, transmuting and transforming any and all imperfections.  SO BE IT.

6)  Discussion.  Current topic.
7)  Closing: With the steady beating of the drum, finding the heartbeat of the Mother, we chant OM EANDRA, then tone any and all sounds for personal and global healing, deepening our gratitude and acknowledging each of the Elements, in the tradition of Shamballa, honoring the EARTH who gives us Her BODY, AIR, who brings us the cycle of life and the Avatars, WATER, the cup of LOVE and the families of souls, and FIRE, the brilliance, Alchemy, and purpose of the Seven RAYS.   Holding hands, we place the Earth in the center of our circle and send her love, OM EANDRA.

Diet of Harmony.

Being in HARMONY, aligning our will to love, with the Earthly Mother may be an understanding of how large our family truly is.  Within our ABUNDANCE of choices, we may need the CLARITY which comes from non-judgment to see that what we are doing to the Earth and to our brothers and sisters, we are also doing to ourselves.  We may need that same clarity of non-judgment to see what we are doing to our animals, we are likewise doing to ourselves.  The result may be a need to sustain our bodies without allowing any animal to be enslaved, misused, and killed on our behalf.  Then, we can truly declared our home a sanctuary for all life and our kitchen, a place to receive what the Earthly Mother gives us freely and abundantly.  Perhaps this keeps us free as well.  It is not a matter of being inconvenienced by change, for when responsibility is taken for what each bite of food entails, when there is suffering and death, the mouth may simply not be able to receive it. 

The foods given to us are found in the Essene Gospel of Peace, translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, from hidden scrolls within the Secret Archives of the Vatican, into four small books (which can be found on-line).  “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is breath of life, I give every green herb for meat.  Also the milk of every thing that moveth and liveth upon the earth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given unto them, so I give their milk unto you.  But flesh, and the blood which quickens it, shall ye not eat . . . he who kills the beast without a cause, though the beast attack him not, through lust for slaughter, or for its flesh, or for its hide, or yet for its tusks . . . is his end also as the end of the wild beasts.” 

In this Gospel, Jesus states that “life comes only from life, and from death comes always death . . . your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts are . . .eat the fruits of the trees, the grain and grasses of the field, the milk of beasts, and the honey of bees . . . and you will never see want . . . neither mix all things one with another . . .be content with two or three sorts of foods, which you will always find upon the table of our Earthly Mother . . . never eat to fullness . . . [eat no] more than twice a day . . . [and best] but once a day . . . and then your days will be long upon the Earth.”

For the Essenes, the planetary forces were called angels.  “When you eat, have above you the angel of air, and below you the angel of water.  Breathe long and deeply at all your meals, that the angel of air may bless your repasts.  And chew well your food with your teeth, that it become water, and that the angel of water turn it into blood in your body.  And eat slowly, as it were a prayer . . . all that you eat in sorrow, or in anger, or without desire, becomes a poison in your body . . . never sit before [being called] by the angel of appetite . . . let not food trouble the work of the angels throughout the seventh day [by fasting] . . . the Earthly Mother sends you her angels, that they may build your body.”   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Keepers of Abundance

The participants of this meeting brought the following energies into our sacred circle, the eternal Flame of Peace carried by SD, the Heart of the Earthly Mother held by SJ, the harmony of the spheres surrounding DG, the African compassion channeled by NP, the shamanic transformations brought by TD, the Tree of Life within AD, and the Divine Female carried by EC.  We renewed our belief that two or more gathered together for the highest good can lessen fear, isolation, hardships, and Earth Changes. SO BE IT.

We discussed the past week being Keepers of the First Jurisdiction, Harmony. Each person’s experience contributed to our understanding of this first foundational law, based upon aligning the will to Love.  We agreed to become the Keepers of the Second Jurisdiction, Abundance.  This Universal Law brings about the abundance of choices for all, eliminating “want” or “need.”   We can choose to flow into this natural state of being, built upon the first Jurisdiction of Harmony. 

We then took a conscious journey to the third Golden City Vortex of Wahanee and were greeted by our beloved sister Beverly.  We surrounded the Activation Point of the Vortex, located in the Savannah River in Augusta, GA and focused upon the Violet Flame.  We watched this transforming flame enter into the River and then burst upward and outward, radiating in all directions.  We set the intention that the freedom and justice issuing from the Violet Ray of mercy and forgiveness and from the African teachings of compassion held in this Vortex be carried into the world for all to see and feel.

We felt a need to respond to the extreme discomfort emanating from the Middle East, so we then traveled to the Golden City Vortex of Mesotomp at the upper most tip of Iraq, including a small part of Iran and Turkey.  Feeling many unsettling energies, we called upon Archangels Michael and Ariel to bring down a tunnel of Light for clearing and cleansing.  We then focused upon the Violet Flame and set the intention for Peace and for their focus upon Happiness and the Yellow Ray.  The hopefulness of the children was felt there. 

We then traveled to the Vortex of Shehez on the Iran and Afghanistan border.  Here, we experienced a great darkness and had difficulty making connections.  Some of us felt this as a statement of resistance there.  We called for the tunnel of Light and held the Violet flame over the area.  We were able to remove some debris and soften blockages and we held a light upon the Peace, Serenity, and Calm, designed to be the fulfillment of that Vortex.   Like Malton, Shehez works with the Ruby and Gold Rays.   

Back in Malton, we required some intense drumming and toning of healing sounds to return to balance, followed by taking a brief, yet renewing, Walk through the Stars of our five Golden City Vortices.  OM EANDRA.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Conditioned Ego

I have made an Agreement with my Sisters and Brothers of Breath, Sound, and Light to be a Keeper of the First Jurisdiction, the first Fundamental Universal Law, which is HARMONY.  Harmony is based upon the Alignment of the will only to love.  By keeping vigil over my thoughts, actions, and patterns, I will keep the directive of my will set upon Love.

Even when deeply, spiritually inclined, the ego can still interject acts of sabotage.  My ego is programed by the culture to assure the powers that be that I will not become Self-actualized, Self-governed, or Self-sustaining.  But truly, the only power my ego has over me is when I believe what it is telling me, when I am believing its teachings.  The conditioned ego can be the most clever when it is saying that it is the Inner Self.

I will take strength that every time I allow my ego to misdirect my will that I openly acknowledge this and surround myself with the Violet Flame to transmute all patterns of separation.   I will further restore myself with the Golden Ray and renewing breath, and allow the healing waters of the Great Mother to wash over me.  I will then commit myself again to my Agreement.  SO BE IT! .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Aligning the Will to Love

Each Golden City Vortex is connected to the other 50 Vortices around the world and what happens within these Vortices significantly affects the Planet. The intentions, requests, and prayers set forth, particularly in groups of two or more,  directly impact the collective consciousness.  There is a basic alignment needed before we and the Earth can come into balance.  Catastrophic Earth changes can be seen as the Planet seeking balance.  We have the same need.

In the New World Atlas, Volume One, by Lori Toye  (see Book List, August) the Ascended Masters say that this is accomplished by aligning the will to love, that is, the will is to be directed only through love.  To maintain this universal law is to achieve balance.   This is the first request sent forth through the Malton Vortex to the collective consciousness, imploring all to seek balance by allowing the directive force of their will to be love.  And we will continue to broadcast this request by focusing our minds and hearts upon this vision.  Please join us by holding this request in your heart. 

Then, the progression of the Jurisdictions, the other Universal Laws, can follow that basic alignment.  The first Law is Harmony, predicated upon Agreement.  The next is Abundance, coming from understanding and honoring the freedom to choose.  Then comes Clarity, which comes about through non-judgment.  Each of these Laws build one upon the other, until all twelve laws bring about a truly sustainable and beautiful world.   

We will continue to work with the Violet Flame, the Golden Ray, and do ceremony with the Earth.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Clearing Energy Field

keeping our space energetically clean is essential, especially since we are transmuting and dropping density.  Since all are involved with the same process, we can be effected by many surrounding energies.  Sometimes disharmonious relationships are actually between people's entity attachments.  These attachments often feed on addictions of all kinds and enjoy anger and violence, initiating arguments and intensifying karmic situations.  An entity release program is outlined in the book What is Lightbody? by Archangel Ariel, channeled by Tashira tachi-ren.  

It is always  beneficial to release entities into the Light, to be free of their influence and so they can  move on to their next stage of their development.  As a regular practice, this technique of spiritual hygiene ensures a clear energy field.  "Archangel Michael please bring down the tunnel of Light.  Ariel,  Azrael and Aru-Kiri please assist.  I break any and all agreements or contracts, both conscious and unconscious, that I have made, anyone in my body has made, or anyone in my genetic lineage has made, with any astral entities, thoughtforms, dark forces, or aliens.  Go into the tunnel, we will take you home."  

When you begin this release, it is not unusual to be distracted or  feel spacy, resistance,  pain, or grief.  Thoughts may not be your own.  Then add:  "Entity holding resistance, go into the Light!"  Toning can assist the process,   When  feeling clear, ask Michael to take the tunnel back to the Fifth Dimension.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Songs of Sacred Sounds

The first Song tells the story of the Breath of Life ("AAA")  collecting thoughts and aligning them to the Divine Will ("A"), finding the source of the heart to share Love ("E"), and fulfilling creation with desires ("O..U"). Desires are protected my O...AU...M, so that a new beginning and new cycle can come forth, repeating this cycle anew.  The second song OM EANDRA is a special blessing for the Earthly Mother, the Elements, Animals, Plants, and Minerals.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sounds for Healing

Toning Sounds for Personal and Global Healing
Sounds from The Juridictions in the New World Atlas, Volume.I,  by Lori Toye.

AAA”        Structure of all the Universes.  Breath is the cycle of Creation,
  (that)          moving into stillness, allowing flow from within.

Tonal           Allows collective thought to be gathered and aligned to Divine
A”             Will.  Faith to carry on, reserved energetic, allowing changes.

E”             Find Love which creates heart and share.  Expansion. Fulfills energetic bodies.  A symphony of e-motion. 

O..U”        Desire, ¾ time (beat of the heart), increases flame about body.
* * *
 “OM”        Protects Flame of Desire.  Holds focus.  Connects desire to                     
                   Source.  “M” brings to full circle, grounds to Planet, protects.
OM  EANDRA  (E-on-draw)
invokes a blessing to Mother Earth and all animals, plants, and minerals.

Additional Decrees:
I command and demand the Violet Ray through and around my being
and throughout the Planet. May all who come in contact with me be blessed with the presence of the mighty Violet Ray.

Mighty I AM,
May all Life come alive with the vibrant efficiency of the divine plan.
Let absolute harmony carry the vibration of peace and abundance.

Mighty I AM,
Stream forth the abundance that is needed for me to fulfill the divine plan.  Let this plan stream forth for the best and highest good for all concerned.

I AM grateful to the I AM Presence
for supplying all that I have needed for this day.

Beloved Unana, let my eyes see no more suffering. 
Beloved Unana, let the Law of One prevail. (unity consciousness)

I AM commanding and demanding the presence of money to come forth to me and a path of prosperity be paved before me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Violet Flame Decrees

Violet Ray

Brought forth for this time of transition.  The Violet Ray is the ray of mercy and compassion.  Violet Flame will transmute physical, mental, and emotional patterns.  To be invoked a minimum of three times a day and/or to meditate with the Violet Flame for ten minutes a day.

I AM a being of the Violet Flame, blazing in and around my body, transmuting all patterns of separation.
Beloved Spirit, resurrect all consciousness in and around my body,
in and around my Being, in and around my mental body. 
Conscious immortality arise.  
Hitaka, So Be It.

I AM Perfection   (7X)
Tone sound “HUE” (aligns chakras)

Invocation for Sunrise and Sunset:

I invoke the Violet Flame to come forth in the name of I Am That I Am,
To the Creative Force of all the realms of all the Universes, the Alpha, the
Omega, the Beginning, and the End,
To the Great Cosmic Beings and the Torch Bearers
of all the realms of all the Universes,
And the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Breath, Sound, and Light,
who honor the Flame that comes forth from the Ray of Divine Love - the Pink Ray, and the Ray of Divine Will - the Blue Ray of all Eternal Truths.
Stream in, through, and around our Beloved Earth.

I invoke the Violet Flame to come forth in the name of I Am That I Am!
Mighty Violet Flame, stream forth from the Heart of the Central Logos, the Mighty Great Central Sun!  Stream in, through, and around me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Crystals Connections in the Golden Cities.

Crystals that are in Shalahah, Malton, and Klehma

 Crystals in Gobean (photo courtesy of R. Fye) and Wahanee

Crystal Placements
for Vortex Communications

The particular work of the Malton Vortex has to do with the healing of the Elementals, and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms.  As part of the activation of this Vortex, we felt a need to increase the communication between Malton and the other four Golden City Vortices of the United States through the use of clear quartz crystals..  A mother crystal (a crystal with smaller crystals growing on her sides) is held in Malton,  She is programmed to flow communications from Unana (unity consciousness) and Beloved Babajeran (the Earth Mother) and to radiate these energies to the other crystals.  All five crystals hold the connection to the other crystals and move their energies primarily in the order of their Vortex activation. .  The four other crystals are either held or buried in the other Vortices.

 Our Crystal Courier Alice carried the Shalahah Crystal to Montana and with her niece Jodi, from that area, were guided by the Crystal into a measdow beside a young tree.  They felt intense energies of celebration in which the swirling winds and clouds became dramatic participants.  After calling upon those who are working for the highest good of the Earth and holding up the Crystal for a special blessing, they recited this Invocation:

In the name of I Am That I Am I,
I bury this crystal at the center of this Vortex
to call forth a great web of healing Love
from our hearts to the heart of the Beloved Earth,
to be sustained and felt throughout the 51 Vortexes
surrounding the Planet,
So Be It.

The Klehma Crystal was sent from there to Crystal Couriers Kathleen and Gayle in Colorado, who traveled to the center of that Vortex and buried the Crystal.  They also felt guided to a particular location and experienced the gathering of uplifting energies and the participation of the Nature surrounding them as they repeated the same Invocation. 

A crystal has been programmed in Gobean, belonging to Alex, and will be couriered to the Star.   The Wahanee Crystal has now been received by Beverly, who is leading classes in the center of that Vortex in Georgia.  She was thrilled with how it looked and felt.  Speaking with her on the telephone the moment that she placed this Crystal upon her Altar, I instantly received a call from our Shalahah Crystal Courier Alice, who asked me if I was working with the crystals because she just got a jolt from the Montana Crystal!  I answered that we had just placed the Wahanee Crystal into the circuit.  Montana would be next on its relay.  Obviously, this was a powerful event, now having all five crystals connected and active in their respective locations.  Georgia now feels much closer to Mattoon, Illinois, as does Arizona, Montana, and Colorado.  May our vitality and closeness continue to build and help to inspire many more to journey through these wondrous Golden City Vortices.  So Be It!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Activation of Mal-ton

Activation of Mal-tonE

This Vortex was the second to be activated with a very precise ceremony.  But the actual process of activation is contingent upon the conscious connections which are created and the activities which stream forth.  Part of the networking for this Vortex is to keep it active and in the hearts and minds of those who reside here.  There are techniques with sacred geometry to develop an awareness of the 51 Vortexes surrounding the planet.  Each time this is experienced, the spiritual gridwork for the planet gets stronger. Ways to keep the relationship with the Earth foremost will be explored.

Most important is that we share a heart space with the Earth.   I feel that those who are being called into this Work are aware of the planetary needs at this time and their hearts are flowing healing love to the planet.  The necessity of groups at this time is that everything becomes exceedingly more powerful where two or more are gathered to do spiritual work.  Working with the Rays, Sounds, and Breath in conjunction with Invocations and Decrees can radiate transforming energies from this Vortex. 

Part of the impetus behind the Earth Changes is to reduce our use of  resources and lighten our footprint.  We will be driven back to simplicity.  But from simplicity, Love naturally flows.  And from Love comes Unity.  We will consider a path of simplicity which includes sustainability, diet, and bartering.  In order for the Earth to return to Her pristine condition, we need to return our bodies and minds to their highest good.
   The Mother Earth, Beloved Babajeran, weeps with joy as we remember Her.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Book List

 Earth Change Study Group   
Gathering together to be of service to the Earth.
The following books can be purchased directly through Iamamerica.com

Beginning with:  Freedom Star by Lori ToyeAn overview of the reasons for and meanings of the Earth changes for all 51 Vortexes surrounding the planet.  How the Vortexes function.  Why this is a protected area.  How the warnings of prophecy assist spiritual growth.  How to assimilate healing for global change.  

Following meetings:  New World Atlas, Volume One
by Lori Toye.  The specific work of the United States during these changes.  Practical solution for averting cataclysmic changes.  The Twelve Jurisdictions for living in the times of great change.  Detailed maps of the changes and the Golden City Vortexes. 

Next:  Volumes Two and Three by Lori Toye.  Volume Two, Earth change prophecies for Japan, China, Australia and India.  The archetype of the feminine and moving beyond the personality to find the healing power present in group consciousness.  Volume Three, prophecies for Europe and Africa.  Each prophecy is a warning designed to teach the spiritual and creative force of choice.  Political and economic systems.  Changes in the human aura.  

On-going Spiritual Gridwork: Points of Perception by Lori Toye.  Time compaction, cellular awakening, vibrational shifting, collective spiritual awakening.  Transforming energies of the Golden Cities.  Reconstruction of sustainable  communities.  Vibrational diet.  Monitoring current needs of the Earth and giving assistance.

Light of Awakening, available as an MP3 download and as a book.  This book chronicles the critical passage of humanity's evolution into the New Times.  Taking us through the Times of Tribulation, coming out of the Shroud of Darkness, into the light of awakening of the Christ Consciousness and Unana, unity consciousness.  The spiritual lineage includes the Egyptian King Akhenaten and the Mayan Quetzalcoatl and how previous earth cataclysms developed the mystery schools throughout the world to preserve this ancient knowledge.

IN ADDITION, we work with the Angel of Joy book
by Elaine Cardall, which reveals a very real Tree of Life, the roots being formed by the planetary forces of the Earthly Mother and the branches are formed by the cosmic forces of the Father.  A different morning and evening force is presented each day of the week, opening up a profound and healing relationship with the Earthly Mother and the Cosmic Father. This story is told through the eyes of a child to show the simplicity of these communions, which are based upon the hidden teachings of Sananda (Jesus) within the Essene Gospel of Peace. The original translation of the Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely can be found in four small volumes at .http://essene.com/GospelOfPeace/.

To purchase the Angel of Joy by Elaine Cardall, contact her at e.cardall@yahoo.com.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meaning of Earth Changes

Earth Change Study Group
This study group follows the I Am America material by Lori Toye, beginning with the New World Atlas and the Map of Earth Changes.    This work has received worldwide attention and has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, and in the New York Times.  This material shows how the Earth has begun a cleansing process which is now accelerating and attempting to wake us up.  They use the phrase: “A Change Of Heart Can Change The World!”  
 The I Am America material shows detailed maps of the possible direction of these changes, depending upon our response.  Mattoon, Illinois is in the center of one of five major vortices in the United States, each 270 miles wide, which is part of a larger global cleansing system, numbering 51 around the planet.   These are similar to the chakras in our body, spinning clockwise to bring in energies and counter-clockwise to cleanse and release.  These areas are protected from the larger cataclysmic changes which are beginning to occur and many will be coming here for safety. 
Your participation will make a difference.