
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Friday, July 27, 2012

Study Group Update

The Earth Change Study Group of the Golden City of Malton .is celebrating one year of working together.   We call ourselves the Seven Sisters and meet regularly in the center/Star of the Vortex in Mattoon, Illinois..  We honor the Earth and learn from the teachings of the Ascended Masters, who are assisting us during this Time of Change.  We do Ceremony with Sound, Color Rays, and the Four Directional Doorways of the Vortex.  We also Walk the Stars, which is consciously traveling to the center/Star of other Golden City Vortices to receive teachings and healing or give assistance..

We have begun to study Adjutant Points, which are areas where several ley-lines intersect within a Golden City Vortex.  We have found that these areas enhance higher dimensional awareness and profoundly promote healing.  In addition, we focus upon three different Map Scenarios for the 51 Golden City Vortices across the Planet.  From the work with the I AM America Map of 17 Vortices, we learn how to align with the I AM Presence.  Then we work with the 17 Golden City Vortices of Asia and Australia, known as the Greening Map, we learn about Ecological Alchemy for the healing of the Earth and the Feminine Aspect.  And then, the Map of Exchanges for Europe and Africa focuses upon the inner marriage of the male and female aspects, birthing Unana, a new beginning of unity consciousness. 

Jesus Sananda says ONENESS is our only hope and our Master Teacher Kuthumi (known to us as St. Francis of Assisi), focuses upon healing the Earth, Elements, Animals, Plants, and Minerals.  We focus upon both our unity consciousness and ceremonies of alignment to assist our Beloved Earth. Our meetings end with toning Sounds for Personal and Global Healing and blending our tones until we reach a crescendo of ONE HEART!