
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Purpose of the Golden Cities

 Information from the Light of Awakening  by Lori Adaile Toye

“According to the Ascended Masters, as more individuals become aware of the spiritual powers inherent in the Golden Cities, the process of spiritual migration will shepherd humanity’s collective entrance into the New Times and onward to the Golden Age.”

The more our focus is placed upon Conscious Immortality, the more the illusion of death and attending fears are shed, as well as outworn patterns and beliefs.  This opens the way to Co-Creation and a new spiritual body is created which will accelerate our energies to navigate through the dimensional shift.  The design of the Golden Cities with their Ray Forces, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, work together with the Grand Teacher of the Earth Being (Babajeran) to deepen our experience of Unity Consciousness (Unana) and usher us into a new Golden Age. 

It is recommended that you visit or live near the outer perimeters of the Golden City Vortex (which has a diameter of about 270 miles) to acclimate to the energies, then migrate toward the center, visiting the four doorways/directions.  Patience may be required to integrate the healing energies of the predominant Ray force of the Golden City (see posting, Fifty-one Golden Cities).  Things may worsen before they improve as energies align with the light bodies.  Flu-like symptoms, intestinal upset, other physical anomalies, and disharmony in relationships may occur as this purification cleanses the astral field of undesired past experiences, thoughts, and feelings. More sleep may be needed initially. 

The Spiritual Migration is best begun in the northern area, known as the Black Door (see posting Doorways), then the East, Blue Door, on to the South, Red Door, then to the West, Yellow Door, concluding in the Star, or center, which has a diameter of 40 miles, but can be felt for 60 miles.  This evolutionary journey introduces the higher frequencies of the Golden City.  Breath and energy work also assist the integration of the Ray Force.  It may be necessary to utilize the energies of more than one Golden City Vortex to identify your Ascension process and your dominant Ray Force (see posting Seven Rays). 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Golden City Doorways

Taken from The New World Atlas, Volume Two and Points of Perception by Lori Toye.

The Doorways of the Golden Cities form a Path of Initiations.

Northern Door.  Known as the Black Door, representing the material world, physical abundance, gratified wishes, how things “appear,” discipline, hard labor, and bountiful harvests.  Good place for agricultural, commercial, and business endeavors. Self-control is achieved through transmutation and forgiveness.  Here, the Laws of Opposites, Attraction and Repulsion synergize as the Law of Rebirth and all service is given to life through the cosmos.  The Law of Attraction asks for complete responsibility, for what is thought is brought forward.  Esoteric planets:  Earth, Saturn, Mercury.

Eastern Door.  Known as the Blue Door, asking for purification and sacrifice to achieve the “Elixir of Life” through alchemy.  Friends, family, helpful acquaintances.  The fusion of one is expressed in the Law of Group. Time spent in this Doorway contemplating can resolve relationship and family problems.  Perfect place for communities, group activities, residential homes, and schools for children.  Here, service is expressed through self.  The Ascended Master Law of Surrender and Non-judgment.  Giving up the idea that we must judge anything, we surrender to Divine perfection.  Healing is when alchemy occurs, leaping from one plane to another, into the perfected experience of Co-Creation.  Esoteric planet:  Moon.

Southern Door.  Referred to as the Red Door, representing the healing of the Nations through enlightened love, non-judgment, and faith. Induces physical, emotional, and spiritual regenerations.  Miracle healings commonplace.  Great place for spas, retreats, clinics, and hospitals.  Service is given to life through humanity with choice, courage, and surrender.  Utilizes the Law of Rhythm, all that happens is in an order and timeliness.  Step by step, a rhythm and momentum is established, becoming the infinite source of energy.  Esoteric planets: Mars, Jupiter.

Western Door.  The Yellow Door, the “Philosophers Stone,” is the path of adeptship and perfection, often preceding entrance to the “Star that you follow.”  Place for universities, schools of spiritual learning, civic activities, and the administrative structure and capitol of the Golden City government.  Here, the Law of Love is expressed and service through others is as sisterhood and brotherhood.  Accepting another completely and absolutely as oneself.  Esoteric planet:  Sun.

Star.  Self-knowledge, self-empowerment, and ascensions.  Coalesces the energies of the four doorways. Encouraging spiritual liberation, meditation, and self-renunciation.  Color White.  The purity and beneficence of the Stars will attract Ascended Masters to appear physically to teach and heal. Healing qualities extend  beyond the forty mile diameter to sixty.  Esoteric planet:  Venus.