
Welcome to Malton and our dedication to our beloved Earth. We are guided by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who once lived here as Francis of Assisi. We hold his devotion to the Elements and the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms. May our hearts soar together in this time of transition. "A change of heart can change the world!"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Book List

 Earth Change Study Group   
Gathering together to be of service to the Earth.
The following books can be purchased directly through Iamamerica.com

Beginning with:  Freedom Star by Lori ToyeAn overview of the reasons for and meanings of the Earth changes for all 51 Vortexes surrounding the planet.  How the Vortexes function.  Why this is a protected area.  How the warnings of prophecy assist spiritual growth.  How to assimilate healing for global change.  

Following meetings:  New World Atlas, Volume One
by Lori Toye.  The specific work of the United States during these changes.  Practical solution for averting cataclysmic changes.  The Twelve Jurisdictions for living in the times of great change.  Detailed maps of the changes and the Golden City Vortexes. 

Next:  Volumes Two and Three by Lori Toye.  Volume Two, Earth change prophecies for Japan, China, Australia and India.  The archetype of the feminine and moving beyond the personality to find the healing power present in group consciousness.  Volume Three, prophecies for Europe and Africa.  Each prophecy is a warning designed to teach the spiritual and creative force of choice.  Political and economic systems.  Changes in the human aura.  

On-going Spiritual Gridwork: Points of Perception by Lori Toye.  Time compaction, cellular awakening, vibrational shifting, collective spiritual awakening.  Transforming energies of the Golden Cities.  Reconstruction of sustainable  communities.  Vibrational diet.  Monitoring current needs of the Earth and giving assistance.

Light of Awakening, available as an MP3 download and as a book.  This book chronicles the critical passage of humanity's evolution into the New Times.  Taking us through the Times of Tribulation, coming out of the Shroud of Darkness, into the light of awakening of the Christ Consciousness and Unana, unity consciousness.  The spiritual lineage includes the Egyptian King Akhenaten and the Mayan Quetzalcoatl and how previous earth cataclysms developed the mystery schools throughout the world to preserve this ancient knowledge.

IN ADDITION, we work with the Angel of Joy book
by Elaine Cardall, which reveals a very real Tree of Life, the roots being formed by the planetary forces of the Earthly Mother and the branches are formed by the cosmic forces of the Father.  A different morning and evening force is presented each day of the week, opening up a profound and healing relationship with the Earthly Mother and the Cosmic Father. This story is told through the eyes of a child to show the simplicity of these communions, which are based upon the hidden teachings of Sananda (Jesus) within the Essene Gospel of Peace. The original translation of the Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely can be found in four small volumes at .http://essene.com/GospelOfPeace/.

To purchase the Angel of Joy by Elaine Cardall, contact her at e.cardall@yahoo.com.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meaning of Earth Changes

Earth Change Study Group
This study group follows the I Am America material by Lori Toye, beginning with the New World Atlas and the Map of Earth Changes.    This work has received worldwide attention and has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, and in the New York Times.  This material shows how the Earth has begun a cleansing process which is now accelerating and attempting to wake us up.  They use the phrase: “A Change Of Heart Can Change The World!”  
 The I Am America material shows detailed maps of the possible direction of these changes, depending upon our response.  Mattoon, Illinois is in the center of one of five major vortices in the United States, each 270 miles wide, which is part of a larger global cleansing system, numbering 51 around the planet.   These are similar to the chakras in our body, spinning clockwise to bring in energies and counter-clockwise to cleanse and release.  These areas are protected from the larger cataclysmic changes which are beginning to occur and many will be coming here for safety. 
Your participation will make a difference.